Page 93 of The Auction

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Anger unfurls in my belly when I think about what he did and what he’s still doing.

Audrey looks between me and Ryker as I spin on my heel and plant my fist in the wall. Pain blooms on my knuckles but I don’t care, I want blood and only my father’s will do.

“Tell her,” I grit out to Ryker because I don’t have the bandwidth to explain it and keep my shit together. Just hearing it a second time is like drinking poison and I know what I have to do.

“Oh, God. Poor Lottie. And, Linc, your mom.”

I hadn’t even considered how this would affect my mother until now. She’ll be devastated, and she adores Eric, the product of her husband raping a woman under her roof.

I grab my keys from the side near the elevator and press to open the doors. Ryker and Audrey rush to catch up with me.

“Where are we going?”

“I’m going to see my father and drag a fucking confession from that piece of shit.”

“Not on your own you’re not.”

I glance at Audrey who looks a little pale and a thought strikes me. “He never?”

“Oh God, no. Never.”

“Thank God.”

“We should call Hudson first.”

“What the fuck, Ryker?”

“No, he’s right. We should in case this is going to fuck up any plans he has.”

I don’t like the idea of calling him for anything. He’s the man hiding my wife from me after all, but I know they’re right.

Audrey is dialing as we hit the lobby, and we head to the front where my car is always waiting. The bonus of being filthy rich is you never have to wait for anything.

“Hudson, it’s Audrey.”

I hear her explain what we know and where we’re going and the sound of his voice rising on the other end of the phone.

I snatch it from her and put it to my ear. “Look, asshole, you can hide my wife from me, but you won’t stop me from confronting my father, so any words of advice before I hang up?”

“I’m not hiding her. You fucked up and I’m helping her.”

“I’m hanging up.”

“Record the conversation if you can. New York is a one-party consent state, so if you can get a confession we can use it in court.”


I hang up and hand Audrey her phone back. “He says to record the convo if possible.”

“Oh, cool. I have this new bit of tech I want to try out. Let’s stop by my office first.”

“Now isn’t the time to try out your new toys, Ryker.”

“It’s not a toy, it’s a million-dollar piece of equipment my company is making for the military and it works perfectly.”


I’m itching to get to my father and drag the answers I need from him.
