Page 105 of The Unexpected

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“So is Norrie.”

“True, but he was probably trying to show you he trusts you after everything.”

“And do you trust him?” I ask Beck, needing to know we’re on the same page.

“I do. He made a mistake and he apologized for it. Honestly, Tink, when he collapsed I thought my heart would stop. I’ve never felt so helpless. I don’t know what I’d do if he hadn’t made it.”

I cup his cheek. “But he did because of you.”

He shrugs but I see through him. “I love him and I love you. I wasn’t going to give up on that.”

“So we’re agreed? If he wants to, we’re doing this?”

“I guess so.”

“It gets my vote.”

We both look up at the weak voice from the bed and see Xander with his big blue eyes on us.

I stand and bend over him. “Don’t ever scare me like that again. I thought I’d lost you.”


He reaches for Beck’s hand, who takes it gently, wary of the IV. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

“I love you, Amelia, and I’m so sorry for the way I treated you.”

“It’s in the past.”

“No, I was wrong and I need you both to know that. I love you and I love Beck. I was damn lucky to have what we did and I didn’t appreciate it, but now I know what a world without you looks like and I don’t want it.”

“Well, I guess it’s a good job we love you too, you big asshole.” Beck chuckles and palms Xander’s cheek.

“Does this mean I can come home?”

“If by home, you mean Amelia’s apartment, then yes. How else are we going to make sure you don’t undo all my hard work by overdoing it?”

I laugh and for the first time since all this began, I draw a full breath. It’s going to be okay. I have both the men I love safe in my arms and that’s all that matters to me.

It takesa few days but we finally get Xander settled at home, and I’m sorting his pillows and fussing when I hear voices from the living area. I walk out and see Ryker pacing and Beck shaking his head, a smirk on his lips.

“You have to help me, Beck.”

Ryker spins and spots me, hurrying toward me with a charming smile and I back away, hands up. “Oh, no whatever it is, don’t involve me.”

He takes my hands. “But I need you. Audrey is trying to make me go to this stupid life drawing class with her.”

A laugh bubbles up and I have to roll my lips to keep it inside. Ryker looks desperate. “I didn’t know Audrey could draw. Ryker, I know you can draw really well, but Audrey not at all.”

“She can’t, but she’s decided she wants to learn and as I’m the only single friend now, she’s forcing me to go.”

I fold my arms and cock my head as Beck comes up beside me and kisses my temple, causing me to lean into him. “You know you could say no to her.”

“Yeah, and I could dance naked with a cactus for shits and giggles but both would end up with my balls in a vice.”

I roll my eyes. “Why are you all so scared of Audrey? She’s perfectly reasonable.”
