Page 107 of The Unexpected

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I pop the ring on Amelia and Xander follows up with a completely different solitaire style that fits perfectly alongside the one I bought her. We fit, we always have and we always will. Xander and I exchange rings and mine is a simple platinum band.

We eat dinner and talk, making plans for our future, one that I never dared dream I could have. “Who would have thought we’d end up here?”

Xander shakes his head. “Not me, that’s for sure.”

“Me either.” Amelia holds both our hands and Xander gives me a look that I can easily interpret.

“So, I know what I want for dessert.”

I grin wickedly and stand, hauling Amelia into my arms. “Me too.”

“Let’s go.”

We spend the weekend in bed, feasting on each other and reveling in the gift of love we’ve been given. I didn’t ask for this life, I didn’t expect it, but I’ll cherish it and the people in it until the day I die.

Epilogue Two: Xander


I sitat our table amongst some of the biggest stars of a generation and marvel at my life. Beside me is my wife of four years, her head tilted back in laughter at something my sister is saying. Her belly is heavy with our second child, and I fall a little more in love with her every day.

She senses my eyes on her and turns, gifting me with a huge smile that makes my heart race, and in a good way, not like I’m about to drop dead. She mouths the words ‘I love you’ and I do the same and then her eyes move to my right and I follow her gaze. I place my hand on Beck’s thigh, my husband in every way that counts and he plays with my fingers as he continues his discussion with Ryker and his wife.

Champagne is flowing and I know this night is one of many that will go into a mental vault where all my best memories are stored. I type out a quick text to Lincoln’s Mom who’s looking after all the kids tonight, including our daughter, Bea, who’s the image of her handsome father. He must sense I’m looking at him and glances at me.

“Are you texting Heather again?” His lips are turned up in a grin of indulgence and I can’t resist pulling him for a kiss. Affection between Beck and I has always been easy at home, which is now a brownstone a few houses down from my sister. In public, we’re usually more reserved, but tonight I feel like showing the world who I belong to, and it’s him and Amelia.

He pulls back his thumb and forefinger gripping my chin. “What was that for?” His eyes are dark with desire and that is one thing we have had to get more creative with. We can no longer fuck where the mood strikes. Having a child makes you shake things up and we have found new ways to quell the desire we have for each other.

“Because I love you.”

He growls against my lips and I feel Amelia slip her hand into mine on my lap, her palm stroking my erection underneath the tablecloth.

“You’re making it difficult not to drag you into the nearest empty room and fuck that beautiful ass.”

My body shudders at his words and her hand on me and he grins and nips at my lip.

“Later, baby. First, let’s see who won.”

I glance to the stage where the MC is reading out the nominees for best actor and Amelia and Beck both grip my hands in encouragement. Losing You was a story about a man who lost his wife and the journey he went on to find love again. There were fewer shirtless scenes, but still a few. Luckily, the pacemaker that saved my life wasn’t visible and the tiny scar was easily covered by makeup. Not that I care, it’s a reminder to me every day how lucky I am to be here with the people I love. How wonderfully talented my husband is, how resilient my wife is, and bossy when it comes to caring for those she loves. I’m so blessed and not a day goes by when I don’t feel it.

“And the winner is…… Xander Reynolds for Losing You.”

Applause rings out around me as I stand on shaking legs. Beck cups my face and kisses me, and then Amelia reaches up to kiss me, her big belly making me bend lower and seal my mouth to hers.

“I’m so proud of you, Xander.”

“I love you.”

“I love you too. Now get up there.”

I walk to the stage in a haze, not really comprehending that I’ve just won the biggest award in film for a movie I truly believed in.

I take the award and stand at the microphone, looking out over the people who helped me get here and I feel blessed beyond measure.

I make sure to thank every person I can think of, but leave the most important to the end.

“Lastly, I would like to thank my husband and wife, for putting up with me. We didn’t have the easiest of starts but their love and never wavering support have enriched every part of my life and allowed me to be the best man I can be and the best actor. I love you, Amelia, and I love you, Beck.”
