Page 12 of The Unexpected

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Now, though, I can hardly tear my eyes away from her. She’s drop-dead gorgeous, but it’s more than that. I feel a connection between us, a desire that is hungry for something neither one of us can express.

Amelia moves out of my arms and I look down to see her eyes on the floor. She is dazzling, her cheeks radiant and pink from our kiss, eyes dewy and almost dazed. My arms feel empty without her pressed against me and the thought rocks me. I met her for the second time tonight. I hardly know her, and yet, I feel this unbearable desire to drag her to me until we’re touching, so I can gauge her mood and reassure her when I have no business doing either. The fact she is so clearly in love with her best friend and he feels the same is something that should have me running a mile, but it doesn’t. Beck has a magnetism that is impossible to resist. His very nature makes me want to drop to my knees and worship him so I can hardly blame Amelia for feeling the same way.

Being a bi-sexual actor in this day and age should be something that doesn’t even warrant a mention but I still hide that part of myself from the world. I pretend it doesn’t exist so it doesn’t affect my career and I hate it. Club Ruin has been a godsend to me, allowing me to be my authentic self without the threat of someone finding out.

I sense him before I turn around and so does the woman beside me. I turn as he moves closer to her and presses a kiss to her temple as if he has the right, and maybe he does. Jealousy burns through me but it’s tempered with lust. Seeing them together makes my dick harden in my pants but I hold my reactions. Years of acting is coming in handy right now.

He’s dressed as Captain Hook tonight. Black leather trousers, a white ruffled shirt open to display his impressive chest, and a black leather vest with gold buckles on it. Over that, he’s wearing a long, black leather coat, with wide folded sleeves and gold buttons in a military style. It’s fucking hot and he knows it, the arrogant bastard. The irony our three costumes together make isn’t lost on me either.

“Hey, Tink.”


Her voice is different when she speaks to him, softer and full of the love she tries to deny she feels. But what strikes me is the way he called her Tink. It was familiar and filled with so much history I could choke on it. That’s why she reacted to me calling her by that name because in her mind it belongs to him. Jealousy, or something that feels similar, swirls in my belly, but for a second I can’t place why it feels wrong. When I do, I almost groan out loud. It is jealousy but it feels off because I don’t know who I’m jealous of.

Beck has always been a powerhouse of a presence. He dominates a room purely by walking into it. People watch him, either with envy or lust, a lot of the time both, but always respect. He is brilliant at what he does. His is a true gift that doesn’t get the recognition it deserves. He is a god among men, but I’ve never made a move on him, and have actively removed myself from scenes with him because he scares me.

Not in the true sense. I know he’d never physically harm me, but he poses a risk in a deeper way. He knows my secrets and I want to know his.

“Beck, you remember Xander, Norrie’s brother.”

Amelia angles her body so she’s slightly between us and the thought makes my cock harden even more. I’ve been hard since the moment she stepped into my arms, but now it’s almost painful.


Beck dips his head, his voice curt, the sexy bite of it makes me shudder a little. Beck is dominant in every way. He carries himself with an air of authority that even those not in our little world of kink would recognize. They just might not realize what it is they are seeing.

He turns to Amelia, and it’s as if a switch is flipped. He’s still all power and strength but he seems to tether it and curb himself around her as if he’s afraid to show her who he is. He’s gentle with her, almost tender. Neither of these people seem to see what is obvious to anyone looking at them, and that’s that they might be best friends, but they’re also head over heels for each other. Beck gives her an indulgent smile filled with warmth and I feel like a voyeur watching them. It’s clear to see how close they are, how much history they share. Even with the undercurrent of sexual tension they’re both trying and failing to hide, it’s clear how comfortable they are with each other. The easy touches, the secret looks, all portray a backdrop of shared experiences.

I should walk away, God knows I have my own shit to deal with but just standing here, I have the strongest desire to submit to him and dominate her. It’s intriguing and delicious and my cock weeps pre-cum from the thought.


He arches a brow as if he can read every dirty thought in my head and I hold his gaze but barely, and the tension between us feels like it will snap at any second.

“I wasn’t aware you knew Amelia.”

He pulls her closer, an arm sliding around her back and she moves into him so naturally I’m not sure she even realizes it. He’s claiming her, warning me without a single word uttered.

“We met when Norrie and Harrison had their falling out.”

He lifts his chin and his eyes blaze with heat. He banks it quickly not wanting to show me a single weakness, and yet he’s wearing his heart on his sleeve in a way I’ve never seen from him before, and I’ve watched many scenes with this man in them.

When he works the floor on the third level of this club everyone takes note. A sex club is hedonistic, a den of pleasure, and the freedom and privacy offered by Club Ruin is second to none. It’s why this place has a waitlist and why it’s considered the place to go for those in the know.

To any other patron, it’s a highly exclusive nightclub for the beautiful and the rich. To those of us in the public eye that need a little something more and crave privacy, it’s a safe haven. Politicians, football stars, Hollywood A-listers like me, and billionaires from every part of industry play here, safe in the knowledge that the five owners will not allow even the sniff of a scandal to come out.

Amelia is watching us closely and I wonder if she’s picking up on any of the vibes flowing around the three of us.

Beck dismisses me, focusing his attention on Amelia. “You look beautiful.”

His voice is smooth and deep like it’s been soaked in bourbon and I watch as she smiles, standing a little taller for him.

“Thank you. You look very dashing too. Did Audrey tell you I was going to be coming as Tinkerbell tonight?”

“When do we ever go to a fancy dress party and not coordinate our outfits?”

Her lips twitch and a fleeting look of longing moves through her pretty blue eyes before she dips her head and hides herself away. When he lifts her chin with his forefinger, I want to look away from this private moment but I can’t seem to make myself.

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