Page 16 of The Unexpected

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“Four.” He’s not going to win this, even if I have to spend every penny I have to get her.



The room is silent now and I feel Ryker grip my shoulder, but my eyes are stuck on Xander. This isn’t about Amelia anymore, it’s about so much more.

“Six.” My body is practically vibrating with anger.


Ryker squeezes my shoulder. “Buddy, what are you doing?”

I shake him off, this is between me and Xander fucking Reynolds. “Eight.”

Linc is striding toward me with a furious look on his arrogant face, as Norrie whispers to Xander furiously but I don’t care. I won’t lose her to him.

“What the fuck are you doing?”

Linc gets in my face, and I push him aside so I can continue eye contact with Xander. Harrison is having a similar conversation with him.

“Fuck off, Lincoln. This is nothing to do with you.”

“Nine hundred thousand.”

I don’t care if I have to drop every penny I own on this. I will not lose to him.

“Wrong, asshole, my wife put hours of work into this, and I won’t have you or the pretty boy ruin it because you’re fighting over Amelia like two dogs over a fucking bone.”

His words make me blink, but he’s turned away from me to the stage.

“One million dollars.” Linc places the bid and motions with his hand across his throat for Audrey to close it out.

“Sold to Lincoln Coldwell for one million dollars.”

I look at the stage and Amelia looks horrified and hurt by our actions. Shame almost takes my legs from me when she looks at me with big luminous eyes full of accusation and disappointment. Jesus, what was I thinking? “Excuse me.”

I move to push past Lincoln, but he places a hand on my chest. “If I were you, I’d give her a few minutes with the girls. If you walk in there now, I’m not sure you’re coming out with your balls because my wife is pissed.”

I nod and move away with no destination in mind, just the need to get away. I move to the upper floor and as I round the corner, I see broad shoulders disappear into one of the closed playrooms. He thinks he can walk around my club like he owns the place after that little stunt?

Hell fucking no.

I reverse course and stalk toward the room I saw him head into, ready to tell him exactly what I think of that little show he made. I take a second to pull the ravaged threads of my control around me before I push open the door.

Xander looks up from where he’s sitting on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands. His surprised look moves to resignation. The stormy expression makes his features appear harsh, unforgiving. Like a Viking warrior ready to pillage and kill and it makes lust wash over me like a tidal wave. There’s no doubt how beautiful this man is, but like this, when he’s letting all of his demons show, he’s breathtaking.

“Don’t start, Beck.”

It’s as if his torment calms me and I fall into my role naturally. I know what this man needs, but does he trust me to give it to him, and should I even try? This situation is already complex, doing this could make it ten times worse, but I can’t seem to stop myself. “What’s your safe word, Xander?”

His eyes widen, his lips parting slightly. The room seems to tingle with electricity as we stare at each other, the moment heightened with it.

I think he’s going to deny me, deny us, but when he speaks, I feel a calm move through me.


“On your knees.”
