Page 25 of The Unexpected

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“You too, my sweet girl. Now go get yourself seated and I’ll be over in a minute.” She jerks her thumb behind her. “I need to take care of these drunk frat boys first.”

“Give me a shout if you need a hand.”

Marisol scowls at me. “Boy, I’ve been dealing with idiots like this since before you was a twinkle in your daddy’s eye.”

I roll my lips to stop the smile and nod, not wanting to upset her. I only did it once and my mouth was burning for a week after she put minced-up ghost pepper in my burger.

“Fair enough.”

Amelia and I make our way to our favorite table near the window and it’s as if sliding into this booth opposite each other like we have done a thousand times resets something between us. I see her visibly relax and I feel my shoulders relax too.

“Is your mouth burning in memory?”

“Hell yeah, that shit was hot.”

She laughs and I love how she holds nothing back. Amelia is a gift, and one I was too blasé about. I always loved her and she was always my person. Even after I realized how I felt about her I was aware but her leaving for London really brought it home to me how much I relied on her.

“So, back to school?”

She looks up as she flicks the cracked Formica on the table with her fingernail. “Are you mad I didn’t tell you?”

I shake my head, resting my elbows on the table as I lean in closer. My mother would kick my ass if she saw me with my elbows on the table but then she’d probably hyperventilate if she saw me in this place to begin with. My parents were both born into money and I love them, but we’re very different. They see it as their job to preserve the wealth of our family and protect its legacy. I wanted more and thank God I have an older brother who can be my father’s protégé because I was never going to be that.

“Not mad. Disappointed with myself for allowing this distance between us.”

“I didn’t mean to keep you out of the loop. I just...” She trails off and I know what she’s thinking, it’s been tough.

I reach across and grasp her hand in mine. “I need to do better and I will, Tink, I promise. I can’t have a life where you aren’t front and center. You’re my person and always will be.”

She squeezes my hand. “Same. It’s not all you, Beck. I felt out of place coming home like I didn’t fit anymore but I’m settling now.”


Mari comes over and interrupts to take our order and it’s like sliding back in time. “The usual for you kids?”

“Yes, please.” Amelia nods and so do I.

“So have you applied to any schools yet?”

She shakes her head. “Not yet, but once I’m settled and unpacked I’m going to start applying.”

“I think it’s amazing. I was always surprised you went into finance instead of research. You lit up when you talked about that stuff.”

“I guess I felt like I owed it to my parents to do something that would eventually help the family business.”

“They wouldn’t want that if you didn’t.”

Amelia’s parents are the sweetest. They adore their daughter and were never shy about showing how proud they were of her and her accomplishments.

“I know. I guess it was me putting pressure on me.”

“Easy done.”

We chat about my work, and I tell her about a few of my more interesting cases. I fill her in on the gossip I have about our mutual friends and bring her up to date on new couples and broken engagements.

“I can’t believe Mason Master got left at the altar.”

I shake my head and purse my lips. “I know, right. He was devasted by all accounts and for the last six months, he’s been on a complete bender, fucking and drinking. I get the impression from his brother Ethan that the New York Jackals are threatening to transfer him if he doesn’t get his shit together.”
