Page 32 of The Unexpected

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Norrie sounds affronted on Amelia’s behalf and it makes me smile. I love that two of my favorite women have that. “Calm down, sis.”

“Xander Reynolds, when in the history of the world has that comment ever helped anyone calm down?”


“Exactly. Now I have to go. I have a new recipe to try out.”

“Perfect, I’ll leave you to it. Thanks, sis.”

“Love you, Xand.”

“Love you too. Kiss Isaac for me. I’ll try and pop over this weekend.”

“Oh, bring steaks then. Harrison can grill.”

“Sounds good, talk later.”

I hang up and sit for a moment before pulling up the information I need and make a call.

8: Amelia

I runmy hands down my red dress as nerves swarm my belly like an explosion of butterflies escaping their cocoons. “Are you sure this red dress goes with my hair color?”

I glance at Audrey who’s sipping wine on the couch in my bedroom, her long legs crossed as her foot bobs to an unheard song. Even casually dressed in wide-leg pants, this woman oozes class. Though we come from similar backgrounds of wealth and privilege, I still feel like the little nerd girl, who was obsessed with space, next to the popular cheer princess, around Audrey. Except this girl is my friend and underneath her sometimes waspy exterior lies a heart of pure gold.

Her derisive gaze finds mine as I turn to her. “You look stunning, and stop fussing with your hair or the curls will drop.”

I roll my eyes at her admonishment, and she stands and moves toward me, handing me a glass of wine.

“Here, drink this.”

I take a large glug of the cool sweet, liquid, letting the dry flavor burst on my tongue, and sigh.

Audrey takes the glass back and raises her brows, and it reminds me of the look Lottie uses on Eric when he’s about to get a lecture.

“Xander Reynolds is lucky to be taking you out, not the other way around. I don’t care how fine that man is, you’re a fucking rockstar, and don’t forget it.”

“Thanks, Mom.”

A horrified look crosses her face and I have to roll my lips to hide the smile. “Urgh, don’t ever say that again.”

Audrey hands me my black clutch bag and my black wool coat and guides me to the foyer. At the same moment, my door buzzes and the nerves come back in full swing. It’s silly and over the top because I know Xander, I’ve spent time with him, and I didn’t feel weird around him then. I’ve even been kissed by him and maybe that’s the reason. That kiss has played on a loop in my head this last week, and every time I wonder if it was a fluke or if it was as hot as I imagined it to be.

I blow out a breath to calm my galloping heart as Audrey disappears into my kitchen area to give me privacy. She has a key so will leave as soon as we’re out of here and he never needs to know how shaken I was by this date.

I open the door and almost swoon as my gaze travels over Xander. He’s wearing the hell out of a black tux. A crisp white shirt straining over his muscular frame almost makes my mouth water. His hair is combed back and his ice-blue eyes are bright and sexy as they sweep over me. In his hands is the biggest bouquet of blue and white hyacinths I’ve ever seen.

“Wow, you look sensational, wildcat.”

I blush as he steps forward and grips my elbow as he kisses my cheek softly. I get a whiff of his cologne and it’s musky and sweet with a slight citrus undertone and I have the overwhelming urge to bury my nose in his neck and take the biggest inhale.

I step back before I humiliate myself and smile up at him. Even in my highest heels, he towers over me and I like that he makes me feel small and protected. I know that probably sets feminism back forty years but it’s the truth. Xander makes me feel safe like he’ll guard my heart. “Thank you, you look very handsome.”

He thrusts the flowers at me, and I dip my head and let the scent of my favorite flower settle over me. It’s not an obvious choice for most people but I’ve always loved the scent and the shape of the blooms. “How did you know these are my favorite?”

I tip my head and he blushes, which is adorable and for some reason settles my nerves but doesn’t hamper my excitement at all. This man is here because I paid him for a date but he put in the effort and I can’t help but hope that’s because he likes me too.

“I might have had some help from my sister.”
