Page 35 of The Unexpected

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“I didn’t understand half of that speech, but what I did sounded fascinating, and watching you was enchanting.”

I lean into him, so our bodies are pressed tight, and he strokes his palm over my spine. “This mission will study large-scale gas structures and allow us to map supermassive black holes and explore things like supernova explosions.”

He smiles, his eyes warm, and I blush dropping my head. “Sorry, I tend to get carried away.”

He lifts my chin with his knuckle, and I meet his eyes and my heart beats faster at what I see there. “Don’t be sorry. Seeing you so fired up with a passion for something you love is the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.”

I cock my head as I look up at him. “You’re a very special man, Xander Reynolds, and not what I was expecting.”

His smile fades and a look of resignation and sadness shows for a split second before he can hide it from me, and I know I hurt him somehow.

“I guess if you play the dumb muscled hero long enough people expect you to be that person after a while.”

I shake my head. “No, that’s not what I meant. I never thought you were dumb, not for a second, but I did think you were a ladies’ man. Tonight proves just how much more to you there really is. I mean you held your own with Professor Santini and he’s a tough cookie.”

“His wife is a fan.”

My hand tightens on his shoulder. “Don’t do that. Don’t reduce your worth to what we see on screen. You’re more than that. I see it and so do others.”

“I see why he loves you.”

My step falters and he tightens his hold on me. “What do you mean by that?”

He gives me a tender smile and then dips his head and catches my lips in a lazy kiss that has my blood spiking with white-hot lust for him. I can feel his hardness pressed against my belly and I rock my hips, trying to get closer. Xander drags his head up and steps away slightly and I miss the warmth of his body instantly even though he’s still holding me. I want to protest but he twirls me, making me laugh instead before pulling me back into his arms.

“Come with me.”

He leads me off the dance floor and toward a door near the back.

“Where are we going?”

“It’s a surprise.”

I giggle as I let him lead me. “Not sure I can survive another surprise like this, Xander.”

He winks at me as he pulls me through another door and I’m sure he’s going to pull me into a coat closet and ravish me and I’m here for it. This man could do whatever the hell he wants to me right now. I want him so badly my body is buzzing with it, and an ache settles into a low hum between my legs as I giggle.

“Are we going to have wild monkey sex in the most iconic building at Harvard?”

My words die when I realize it is not a closet, it’s an office. In the middle of it sits Professor Keating and President Johnson, and they both just heard every word.

9: Xander

“I have never been moreembarrassed in my life.”

Amelia dips her head against my chest as I walk her toward the elevator for her apartment. Her hand feels small in mine as we step inside and I tug her closer. I can’t get enough of this woman in my arms. She feels like she belongs. I smile down at her as I swipe a piece of hair that has caught on her lip gloss out of her face. Her lips have been a constant source of fascination, especially the way she bites her bottom one when she’s listening or nervous. It’s been the sweetest kind of hell.

“They loved you. I think Professor Keating actually blushed a little.”

A groan slips past her lips and I can’t help the full feeling it gives me in my chest. Amelia happy is my new favorite thing and I want to be the one to put that smile on her face again and again.

“I’ve probably scarred the man for life.”

“Didn’t he say he has six children? I’m pretty sure he knows what sex is if that’s the case.”

Amelia wrinkles her nose in disgust. “Eugh, gross. Let me keep the image of that from my brain please.”

The elevator dings, spitting us out into her apartment. She turns as I hesitate on the threshold. I want her but I want her to make this move, to show me how much she wants this. I know I could have her naked in my bed, she doesn’t hide her desire at all, but I need her to make the choice without me putting pressure on her.
