Page 39 of The Unexpected

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I sit up and remove the condom, wincing at the fact my dick is getting hard again and Amelia giggles.

“Wow, you’re a man of stamina.”

I tie off the latex and stand and head to the bathroom to deal with it. I hear a ding of a text alert and then another and walk out to find her looking at her phone, a strange look on her face.


She shakes her head and pops the phone down as I crawl over her on top of the covers and kiss her.


“You sure?”

“Yep, it was nothing.”


“Will you stay for a bit or are you a love ’em and leave ’em kind of guy.”

“Would it freak you out if I said I was usually the love them and leave them kind, but I want to stay with you?”

A smile forces its way over her face as she tries to stop it and I find her utterly adorable and sexy as fuck, which is a lethal combination.



I scoot under the covers and pull her so she is lying half over me, her leg thrown over my thighs. A yawn escapes her, and she tries to muffle it.


“A little.”

“Sleep then, gorgeous. I won’t go anywhere.”

Her body is relaxing before the last word is out of my mouth. Amelia, it seems, is one of those people that can turn over and just sleep without hours of overthinking. I hold her, reveling in the feel of her soft warm body and wonder how I can make her fall for me like I am her, and if I even want that long-term.

A buzz beside me makes me turn to see her phone lit up with a notification. Beck’s name flashes across the screen with a preview of the message.

I’ll be over around midday tomorrow. Don’t forget it’s your turn for tacos.

I get an unsettled ache in my chest at the familiar way they are together. She loves him and one night with me won’t change that, no matter how good it was for both of us. What’s worse is he loves her too, and a love like that doesn’t disappear after years of shared experiences. Can I put myself between that and come out unscathed? Especially when I want him almost as much as I want her.

Beck saved me in ways I can never repay. If it wasn’t for him, I’d probably be dead from an oxy overdose. Him finding me that night was the best and worst thing to ever happen to me. It’s why I’ve stayed away from him since, avoiding his scenes because I want him, but more, I could love him and that’s terrifying because that part of me has to remain a secret or I’ll lose everything. Amelia murmurs beside me and guilt eats at me. I’m lying with this amazing woman in my arms and thinking about him, but I wouldn’t change tonight for the world, because I want her just as much.

10: Beck

“Tink, where are you?”

“In here.”

I walk through her apartment following the sound of her voice, impressed by how much she’s gotten done in the week since I saw her last. Her apartment looks more lived in than my loft and I’ve lived there for two years. I spot a huge vase full of her favorite blue and white hyacinths on the table in the living area and smile. The scent filling the air and mixing with her own is sweet and sums her up perfectly.

I find Amelia with a drill in her hand trying to hold a level at the same time, the drill bit precariously close to her face.

I rush forward and grab the level from her hand. “What are you doing?”

She gives me one raised eyebrow. “Oh, I don’t know, skiing down a mountain.”
