Page 49 of The Unexpected

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Amelia slips out of my arms and heads to the bedroom and I hear her using her bathroom as I stand and pull on my clothes. Beck just slips his jeans on and leaves the top button undone and it’s so hot I can’t drag my eyes away from him. He’s truly something else to look at. Ripped muscle and a tattoo covering his left bicep and shoulder that depicts a beating heart burst open to reveal a tiny fairy with delicate wings. Above his heart is a sunburst that goes over his shoulder and skims the top of his chest. I know instantly the meaning behind it and wonder how Amelia is so blind to what she means to him.

“See something you like?”

Beck saunters closer and I can hardly drag my eyes up over his magnificent body to meet his eyes. “You really love her?”

Beck looks like he’s going to deny my words but then he swallows and visibly relaxes his jaw before nodding. “Yes.”

One word but it holds a wealth of emotion and I know how hard that was for him to admit. What I’m risking is my career and maybe my heart by going into whatever this might be, but they’re risking a lifetime of friendship and love.

“Thank you for being honest.”

Beck cups my cheek, his fingers scratching over my stubble as his piercing gaze holds mine. “Don’t hurt her.”

“I won’t hurt either of you.”

Beck nods and drops his lips to mine in a slow, sensual kiss that zaps my brain of any thought but him. Beck has an intensity to him that’s magnetizing and impossible to fight.

“God, that is so hot.”

I pull away and we turn to see Amelia watching us, her legs crossed as she squirms on the spot. I chuckle and step away as Beck heads to the kitchen. I scoop Amelia up in my arms and sit on a tall chair at the island with her curled in my lap.

“You’re a cuddler, huh?”

I smile at her teasing tone and nod. “Yep, just a big old teddy bear.”

“Sexiest teddy bear I ever saw.” Beck smirks at us but I see no jealousy in his eyes, only indulgence and warmth.

“We can have leftover subs or I can order pizza?”

“Pizza,” Amelia declares and I shrug. I don’t care. Either way, I’ll need to work it off in the gym.

Beck orders the pizza and then comes to join us at the island.

“We should decide what this is and isn’t so nobody gets hurt.”

“Can I go first?” Amelia asks, and Beck reaches for her hand and kisses her palm, making her sigh in delight. “Of course.”

“Firstly, I wasn’t expecting this, Beck. You and I have been friends nearly all my life and I can’t imagine my life without you.”

I see him tense, waiting for the blow as she knocks him back but I don’t think that’s what is coming.

Her hand curls around his cheek and he softens instantly and neither of them can see how she’s the only person he does that for. “I want this, I’ve wanted this for us for so long, since the night of graduation but I can’t lose you. If you have any doubts then I’d rather go back to what we had.” She turns to me. “Xander.” She shakes her head and smiles at me with mischief in her eyes. “Where did you come from? I feel so relaxed with you and I want more of what we just shared. You’re a very special man.”

My chest hollows at the sweet sincerity in her words. “Can I go next?”

Beck nods and it’s strange how we both look to him to lead us, but then that’s the man he is. He leads and guides.

“You both know who I am and what I do but not many people do. It’s not public knowledge that I’m bi-sexual or open to sharing, because although the movie industry likes to think it’s forward-thinking and evolved, it isn’t. When I signed my contract it was a legal requirement that I don’t do anything that would hurt the brand as they see it, and that includes being into men or anything considered unconventional.”

“That’s ridiculous.”

Amelia looks outraged and I can’t help but drop a kiss on her upturned lips. “I know, but I signed it and if I break it my career would be over.” I take a deep breath and blow it out through my nose as I step off the virtual cliff. “What I’m trying to say is, I want this but I can’t be public with you, Beck. I know that might be a deal breaker and I get it, but I can’t do it.”

He purses his lips and I’d kill to see inside that big brain of his.

“So you can be with Amelia openly but not me, and certainly not us together?”

“I can be seen with you but not in an intimate way.”
