Page 51 of The Unexpected

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I oblige and Amelia cups the back of my head to her, holding me in place as I fuck her in small strokes.

Beck withdraws and I feel his fingers biting into my hips as he lines his cock up with my ass and pushes inside in one long sure, steady stroke that has me gasping and rolling my hips back until his balls slap against the back of my thighs. My ass is stretched and I can feel the Jacobs ladder scraping the cool metal against every nerve ending and it’s fucking heaven.

Beck pulls out and slams back into me, driving me into Amelia’s tight heat. A groan slips from all of us as Beck sets a punishing rhythm that drives me mindless. I’m surrounded by more pleasure than I’ve ever felt. Just as I feel Amelia flutter around me, her fingers biting into my biceps, Beck slows down, denying her climax. A cry tears from her as he does it again and again until sweat is pouring between her breasts and her legs and arms are shaking.

“Please, oh God, please, let me come.”

Beck pushes me flat against Amelia, only my braced arms are stopping my upper body from crushing her. He shunts into me again as he grasps my chin, turns my head, and takes my mouth in a soul-stealing kiss, his teeth biting down on my bottom lip and drawing blood, which he licks away with soft kisses.

“Give that to our girl.”

Fuck, him saying that makes my dick twitch as I turn and kiss Amelia exactly like he kissed me.

Then he lifts up and pounds into me, fucking me with long powerful strokes that shove Amelia up the bed. My balls draw tight, electricity snapping my spine and I groan as her pussy tightens around me and she screams my name followed by Beck’s.

I try and stave off my climax as she ripples around me but it’s no use and she drags me over with her.

“Fuuuuuuck.” My roar feels like it can be heard downtown as my voice goes hoarse. As I sag into her, Beck grips my one shoulder and hip and I thought he was pounding me before but now he really lets go and fucks me like he hates me, and I fucking love it. I love the raw power and brutality of the way he treats me against the soft gentle way he is with Amelia. I take everything he gives me.

I feel him stiffen as he bites my shoulder, causing another wave of pleasure to shoot through me as my still-hard cock slams into Amelia making her cry out and hold on to me. Beck’s body hinges over me as he comes with a bellow and I feel his warm release coat my insides.

We all lie breathing hard as he slips out of me and I slide to lie beside Amelia, dragging her into my arms and kissing her softly. Beck disappears into the bathroom and comes back out with a warm cloth. He gently cleans me up, dropping soft kisses on my chest, and then does the same for Amelia.

Never in my life have I felt so cared for than with these two people after one afternoon. Some people think being bi-sexual makes you less of a man somehow, but I’ve never felt that, ever. Being with Beck is like riding a storm, raw and devastating and it sweeps you away allowing you to give up control. Being with Amelia is different. She gives me what I give Beck, power and tenderness and a feeling like I can conquer the world. I don’t pretend to know what it feels like for either of them but for me, this moment is the turning point. The second comes when I know what I want. Instead of making me happy, it terrifies me because I want them both for keeps and I don’t know how I’ll achieve that and keep my dream job.

13: Amelia

Addinga last swipe of light mascara to my eyes, I turn from my dressing table mirror and glance at the bed. A blush heats my skin as I think about all the delicious things that happened there last night. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine this could be my life. I’m not a sexual prude, far from it. Lance, my ex-boyfriend, wasn’t very adventurous and the one time I suggested we maybe add a few toys he told me it was insulting to him and didn’t speak to me for a week.

That should have been the first red flag, but alas I was blinded by his charm and my complete loneliness and trapped by my own stubbornness. London wasn’t the escape I thought it would be from my feelings for Beck. If anything, it made things worse in the long term.

Beck left for his shift at the hospital at six, leaving a tender kiss on both of our heads before he did. Xander was asleep and just mumbled but I was awake, and my tummy somersaulted at the wink he gave me from the bedroom doorway as he left. Xander stayed cuddled up to me for another hour, his hands smoothing all over my skin as if he couldn’t stop himself from touching me. Then he too had left for a gym session despite my telling him he looked perfect.

That had gotten me another languid ten-minute make-out session, which had also been perfect. I love how Xander can be content to just kiss me until my toes curl and it be its own thing and not a prelude to sex, although I love that too. Beck is different. He kisses me with intensity. With him, it’s like coming home. My heart sighs in my chest when his lips touch mine.

Now, not only do I get to be with him, but also this gorgeous, sexy giant of a man who adorably likes to cuddle after sex. His big body curled around mine making me the little spoon, his arm wrapping over me and resting on Beck’s hip as he lies in front of me. It’s like being sandwiched between two sexy furnaces.

My life feels like a fever dream, full of all my fantasies wrapped in a bow because it’s with them. Watching Beck and Xander together is my new favorite thing to do. The ecstasy that crosses their faces when they touch is so different from how they look at me. It’s full of raw power, an almost angry tussle for dominance, which Beck always wins.

I shiver as I think of my best friend like that. He’s so gentle with me, so tender and sweet but in bed he’s a fucking animal and I love it. My body pulses at the thought of it. Beck hasn’t actually had sex with me yet, and I do have a slight worry in the back of my head that perhaps he isn’t as all in as he claims, but I don’t know how to broach the subject with him. Do I just initiate sex or wait for him or is this more about him wanting Xander than me and I’m just a side dish?

I wish there was someone I could talk to about it, but we haven’t discussed how open we plan to be with our friends. I know publicly we can’t be together, but I wonder if in private we need to hide what we’re doing. I’m meeting Audrey and Lottie for brunch this morning and could really do with some advice.

Not stopping to overthink things, I pull up Beck’s and Xander’s numbers and add them to a group text that I name Neverland, after our costume choices at the auction, then I type out my message.

Amelia: So, I know we decided our situationship needs to remain a secret but how are we about our friends and family knowing?

Xander: Situationship? (confused face emoji)

Amelia: I don’t know what you call it (shrug emoji)

Xander: Fucking perfect?

Amelia: Well obviously but we aren’t a couple are we!?

Beck: It’s a relationship, Tink. We’re in an exclusive relationship and I’m fine with our friends knowing. Heading into surgery. See you both later. (blows kiss emoji)

Amelia: Good luck. Don’t forget to eat.
