Page 58 of The Unexpected

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“What did you say?”

“Wish you were here.”

I laugh and kiss her gently, my body overwhelmed with emotions. “You know, this wasn’t how I wanted our first time to be or the first time I said I loved you.”

“You haven’t technically said it.”

“I love you, Amelia. From the bottom of my heart, I love and adore you.”

“Aww I love you too, and it wasn’t what I imagined either but it was kind of perfect for us, don’t you think?”

“Yeah, I do.”

I slap her ass and push her slightly so we can both stand. I lead her toward my private bathroom and we clean up, which involves a lot more kissing and me eating her perfect pussy.

As she straightens her hair and I wash up and dress in clean scrubs, she turns to me. “The cookout at Harrison’s, are we going together? It’s totally fine if not. I don’t want to get clingy or anything.”

I hook her around the waist and bring her body flush with mine so I can pin her against the counter. “Amelia, if you think for one second I’m going to let you back off now that I have you, then you need to see Dr. Scott in neuro because you have a head injury.”

“I just don’t know how to navigate.”

“We’re together, all three of us. So, if we go somewhere we go together as best we can. I know with Xander it’s tricky, but in private or with friends, we’re doing this.”


I kiss her pouty lips and already feel my dick getting hard again so I push her away from me. “Now you should go or Mr. Titley isn’t getting a new pacemaker this afternoon.”

“Well, I wouldn’t want to deprive Mr. Titley of your genius.”

I walk her to the door and kiss her again, my addiction to her well and truly out of the box and uncontrolled now. I suddenly know exactly how Linc and Harry felt when they were first in love.

“Oh, Xander is cooking tonight at his place.”

“I might be late, so I’ll text him and let him know what time. Talking of which, did he respond to the message.”

“Oh, let me see.”

She digs her phone out and smiles. “He says he’s happy we had fun and next time he’s coming with me as he thinks you’d be hot in your scrubs.”

I shake my head hiding, or trying to hide, how damn happy these two people make me already. I sit after Amelia has left and consider my life and what has happened over the last week and especially the last few days. Confessing my feelings to Amelia was the biggest risk I’ve ever taken and adding my attraction for Xander to the mix complicates it exponentially, especially as he can’t be open about us. Yet I can’t regret it because this feeling inside me is pure and beautiful. I’m the most reserved of the three of us but I’m all in with this, all the way to an end I hope never comes.

Now to get the first event with our friends and family out of the way. That will be fun.

15: Xander

I liftAmelia’s hand to my lips and kiss her knuckles, unable to wipe the smile from my face. “Relax, babe.”

She gives me a strangled-looking smile. “Easy for you to say, I have to face your sister knowing that she knows I had my mouth on your cock.”

I laugh, the deep sound attracting the attention of our friends as we step into the backyard at Norrie and Harrison’s place. I ignore the curious gazes, my mind focused only on the woman in front of me. I pull her to face me and bend my knees so I’m looking directly into her gorgeous, expressive blue eyes. “I can assure you our conversation did not include those kinds of details. I’d never share that with anyone or do anything to make you feel uncomfortable.”

Her face softens and she leans into me, placing her head against my broad chest as I wrap her in a hug. “I’m sorry.”

I kiss her head as she lifts up to peer at me with that trusting smile that circles my heart and makes me feel ten feet tall.

“Don’t be sorry, it’s only natural to be nervous but you don’t need to be.”

I spy movement from my left and release Amelia, keeping her hand clasped in my mine.

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