Page 65 of The Unexpected

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She’s wearing an ice blue mini dress that crisscrosses over her back with tiny straps, and no bra. Lincoln hasn’t taken his eyes off her for the entire time we’ve been speaking. I feel Xander’s fingers skim my spine and smile as he hands me a drink and a kiss.

“Thanks, babe.”

His smirk is sexy as hell as his hand rests on my hip. Beck is standing to the left of me and I want to reach for him. I look around and don’t see anyone else, and he explained the staff on this level all signed NDAs so we should be good. I reach for him and he lets me tug him until his body is pressed close.

“That’s better. I missed you all the way over there.”

“You look beautiful, Tink.”

I glance down at the black leather mini skirt and gold lace cropped top I’m wearing. It’s more daring than I usually wear but I feel good in it, sexy. Judging by the way Beck is assessing me with his heated gaze, it worked. Xander already showed me how much he liked the dress by eating me out in the limo on our way here.

It was our first official night as a couple and I was nervous, so he took care of it for me in spectacular fashion. I can still feel the stubble burns on my inner thighs.

“Thank you, and so do you.”

He chuckles and kisses my neck, making me shiver. “I don’t think men can be beautiful, babe.”

“Well, you are.”

Beck is dressed in dark grey pants and a white shirt open at the collar. His sleeves are rolled up exposing his gorgeous tattoos. Xander is wearing dark jeans and a plain black tee with a leather jacket and between the two of them, they’re ticking every fantasy crush I ever had or ever will have.

He nips my neck and then pulls away to give me a sexy smile. I feel a hand on me and turn to Audrey who looks smoking hot in a red mini dress, her dark hair in waves down her back. I curled mine too but it never looks like that.

“Tell your hot boyfriends to put you down so we can go dance.”

Xander swats me on the ass. “Go, have fun. I’ll be down in a minute. I just want to speak with Beck for a second.”

I smirk and waggle my eyebrows. “Is that what it’s called?”

He shakes his head but he’s smiling as I walk away.

Audrey fans herself as we take the stairs to the main floor so we can dance. Security is high tonight and I know it’s because of Xander being here with me. Norrie, Lottie, Audrey, and I make our way onto the dance floor, pushing between the sweaty heaving bodies until we snag a space. I feel a few eyes on me and try to ignore them. This is part of being with Xander and I have to accept that if I want him, and I do.

I spy him and Beck talking as they watch me from the second-floor balcony. It looks relaxed but nobody but me would know that just hours ago, Xander had Beck’s cock in his mouth. It makes my whole body tingle as I relax and let the music take me. Dancing has always been how I relax. Being a nerd in school was tough, especially when your best friend was the hot guy all the girls wanted to fuck.

Being here with my girl squad makes me realize how amazing my life is since I came home. London was a shit show and looking back on it, I’m amazed at how much it took from me that I didn’t realize. I open my eyes as hands touch my hips and turn to smile. The joy on my face dies. “Lance?”

I jump back from his touch, not wanting him anywhere near me.

“Hey, Amelia. Fancy seeing you here.” His eyes wander all over me and I suddenly wish I’d worn sweats and a hoodie. “You look fucking hot.”

Urgh gross. “What are you doing here?”

I’m stock still as I stare at the man who broke me down into little pieces until my self-esteem was in tatters. His blond hair is slicked back, his blue eyes slightly red-rimmed but he looks the same. Not ugly, not drop-dead gorgeous either, but confident and it was that which drew me to him when he asked me out.

“I got a promotion and I’m working for the New York office now.”

He smiles and I want to rip his face off and stamp on it with my stiletto heel.

“Amelia, you good?”

Audrey eyes him like a cockroach and I have to bite my lip to keep from laughing. I love this woman for looking out for me. “Yeah.”

“Amelia and I were good friends in London.”

Friends, we fucking lived together until he cheated on me with my only friend there while I was sick.

Lance eye fucks Audrey, who gives him a withering glance that would shrivel most men’s testicles, but Lance is like fucking Teflon.
