Page 67 of The Unexpected

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I slide down Xander’s body and he grips my hand as he leads me back upstairs. Harrison, Lincoln, and Ryker had also joined us downstairs but we all head back to the VIP section as people swarm the bar. We settle near the edge of the small dance floor, Xander and Beck shooting me worried looks and I smile to reassure them that I’m okay, and surprisingly I feel it. Lance is a parasite and I won’t give him any more head space.

“Remind me to give the bar staff a bonus,” Harrison gripes as he shakes his head at the chaos we caused. The main floor is controlled chaos, the energy high after the news of a free bar hit the drunk partygoers.

“Oh, stop being a grump and dance with me, Harry.”

Harrison growls but lets Norrie drag him onto the small VIP dance floor where they basically make out like teenagers. Lottie is sitting in Linc’s lap as he whispers in her ear, making her blush as his hand disappears up her skirt. I feel heat hit my cheeks as I turn away, my eyes colliding with Xander’s as he bends to press a kiss to my neck.

“Love it when you blush like that, wildcat.”

“Amelia, you got a second?”

I startle but nod as Audrey drags me away from Xander and Beck toward the back of the room by the stairs to the third floor.

She runs a hand through her hair and shakes it off her shoulders. “Okay, firstly that was hot seeing those two team up to take that asshole down without a single fist being thrown. Secondly, eww. What were you thinking dating that guy? He was punching above his weight when he landed you. I can only think you must have been having some kind of crisis.”

I fiddle with the necklace around my neck that Beck gave me this morning. It matches the bracelet on my wrist that was from Xander.

“I was missing Beck and in a dark place.” It’s easy to admit it now but at the time it was awful. “I can’t believe I’m going to say this but can you believe I stayed with that guy after he told me I could lose a few pounds and that nobody wants to shag a fat girl.” I mimic his British accent badly as I repeat the words he said to me.

Audrey’s mouth flaps open and her eyes shoot sparks. “He did not.”

“He did.”

“What an asshole.”

“Yeah. I’m ashamed I let him knock my self-esteem like he did.”

“It’s easily done, especially when you’re in a vulnerable place and it sounds like you were.”

I nod. “Was there another thing? You started like it was going to be a list of points and I interrupted.”

Audrey grips my shoulders. “Yes. Where does that asshole work?”

I shrug. “Not sure but the way he was talking, I’d say Saint and Jones Bank still.”

Audrey gets a wicked look in her eye, which makes me glad we’re friends.

Audrey locks eyes with me. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

“I really am.”

Audrey hugs me tight and I realize how lucky I am to have a woman like her in my life.

I link arms with her as we head back toward the dance floor.

Ryker steps up to us and hands her a drink. “Geez, Aud, that look makes my balls shrivel. I swear my nuts just hid behind my kidneys.”

I laugh because how could you not from that visual and the way Ryker winces.

“You’re an idiot, Ryker.”

“I’m charming and you know it. I also have a big dick so that helps.”

Audrey gives him a disgusted look. “Dude, no. Just no.”

Ryker shrugs. “So what’s with the look? Who are we destroying?”

My eyes bug at the devilish look in his eyes now. Honestly, these two are terrifying when they get together.
