Page 75 of The Unexpected

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“I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”

“No, it’s a great idea. We need some fun and I have some sway. I can get us VIP passes so we miss the lines for the rides.”

“Oh you can, can you? Well, in that case, sign me up.”

I don’t remind her that I can probably get that myself, allowing her to take the lead.

“I’ll ask Beck in the morning. Maybe I’ll wake him with a blowjob. That will help.”

I smile at her playful side, which is always more prominent when she’s tired, and she’s been working her butt off these last few weeks on this paper. Maybe a day at Disney is something we all need.

“Wake me first and we can do it together.”

“Good plan.”

She rambles for a few minutes, her words getting further and further apart until she’s out, her body lax in my arms. I listen to her breathing but my brain won’t switch off. My life is so perfect in some ways and in others, it’s frustratingly complex, and I wish the two would mesh.

I’m dozing when the door opens and Beck slips into the room. My body tenses as I listen to him move almost silently around the room, removing his clothes and folding them on the bottom of the bed before he goes into the bathroom.

The light from the en-suite catches his profile and I marvel at how fucking handsome he is. I might be a movie star but he could be straight off the pages of a cologne campaign. He closes the door and I wait to see what he’ll do. My chest tightens as he walks out a few minutes later and moves to my side of the bed. I turn slightly from where I’m wrapped around Amelia and he scoots in behind me, his thick, carved body molding to mine.

“You’re awake,” he whispers, both of us conscious of Amelia slumbering beside us.

He wraps his arm around my waist and kisses my shoulder and everything settles. My world rights itself.

“Couldn’t sleep?”

I shake my head. “I’m sorry I was a dick earlier.”

Beck’s hands flex on my abs, his pinkie skimming the edge of my briefs and making my dick harden. This man has so much control over my body, more than me it seems.

“Forget it. We were pushing and we had no right. This is your career, Xand, and you worked hard for it. We have no business telling you how to run it. I certainly wouldn’t want someone telling me how to be a surgeon.”

It’s different and he knows it. His job doesn’t prohibit us from being together out in the open and mine does, but I let it go, because what else can I do.

“We good?”

Beck nips my neck before kissing it tenderly and this is one of my favorite variations of him. When he allows his emotions to show.

“Better than good.”

Relief washes through me and he strokes my skin.

“You take care of our girl?”

“Of course.”

“Lucky bastard.”

I chuckle and Amelia stirs and mumbles something unintelligible.

“We should get some sleep.”

“Yeah, we should. Just a warning, Amelia plans to seduce you into going to Disney with us tomorrow morning.”

A deep, low rumble moves through his chest, filled with humor. “Is that so? Well, then, I definitely need some sleep for that.”

“Night, Beck.”
