Page 79 of The Unexpected

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I use the facilities, and then wash my hands, proud of how I’ve pulled my shit together and put my reaction down to a wobble because of all the eyes on us.

Head down, I stride out of the restrooms and headfirst into a body. I lift my head up to apologize as the man grips my upper arms and my eyes collide with Lance.

“Well, well, well, if it isn’t the little princess.”

“Lance, what are you doing here?”

I pull myself out of his hold, disgusted by his touch and the sneer on his face. Honestly, I have no idea what I saw in this man.

“Can’t a man enjoy Disney World?”

“Yeah, sure.” I go to step around him, not interested in the slightest as to why he’s here, even though it does give me a creepy feeling in my belly. His body blocks mine and I step back, a flicker of unease running up my spine now. We’re surrounded by people, but still, I don’t like the way he’s looking at me like my clothes are transparent.


His hand reaches out and his knuckles skim the top of my arm. “What? Not going to give me some sugar, Amelia? Is that just for your movie star boyfriend or are you fucking your best friend too?”

My ears tingle with fear at his words, something about them makes me uneasy. I cross my arms and force myself not to step away and show him any weakness. “You really are a deranged little man, aren’t you, Lance? Still jealous of Beck being my friend.”

His face contorts in anger. “As if. More worried if my dick might fall off from being in such close proximity to such a whore.”

“Wow, I see you really went all out with that insult.”

“Just calling it like I see it. Do you know I was fired because of you?”

I blink and he takes advantage of my surprise and moves in so his body is almost touching mine.

“Not my problem.” I had an inkling it might happen but, honestly, after the way he treated me, anything that happens to him is karma.

“See, that’s the thing. It is your problem because if you don’t give me two million dollars by midnight tomorrow, I’m going to make your life a misery.”

Okay, now I’m mad. All my life I’ve had people treat me like a bank; friends, boyfriends. Even a goddamn teacher asked me for a loan once and I won’t tolerate it anymore. It’s the reason Beck was my only friend for so long, he got it. He had to deal with it too.

“You know what, do your worst. I’m not giving you a God damn thing.”

I shove past, Lance bumping him with my shoulder.

“You’ll regret that, Amelia.”

I didn’t respond, because I haven’t got it in me to deal with his idiocy. I round the corner and see Xander and Beck waiting for me. Beck smiles and Xander opens his arms as I walk right into them and let his embrace soothe me.

“I’m sorry I was a shrew.”

“It’s all good, wildcat.” He kisses my head and then tips my chin up to look at me and I swear I could drown in his gorgeous blue eyes. “Let’s talk tonight and get this all ironed out.”


We find a bench and devour our tacos like starving people, chatting and laughing, and I forget about the threat Lance made. As I’m wiping chocolate dipping sauce off my fingers, Beck’s phone rings. He steps off the side to answer it and I admire his butt. Then his frame tenses and his eyes come to mine and I see fear in them that rocks me because Beck is always calm and collected.

He hangs up and rushes back to us as Xander stands, seeming to sense the same as me, something is very wrong.

I grip Beck’s arm as he makes it to my side, looking shaken. “What is it?”

His eyes seemed slightly dazed and unfocused. “My Mom, she uh, she had a stroke. She’s in the ICU.”

“Oh, my God.” Tears spring to my eyes. Beck rubs the back of his neck as I move into him and hug him tight. He holds me tight as if he needs me more than air right now and I feel Xander step up to my back, protecting us from prying eyes.

“I need to go. I’m sorry I messed up the weekend but I’ll call when I land.”
