Page 91 of The Unexpected

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“He’s staying at some dive motel after I got him fired and Audrey had the fucker blacklisted. I’m going to go over and persuade him it’s in his best interest to leave the country and never come back.”

“Ooh, I like it. I can make it so he’s never allowed back too. Give me an hour to do a deep dive into his online history and then come over.”

“Thanks, Ryk.”

“My absolute pleasure. Nothing I hate more than men who go after women like he did Amelia, and she’s like a sister to me.”

I hang up and pace my loft. My life has gone to shit and it all feels out of control. Amelia is pulling away from me and I know I’m losing her. It shreds me because I love her more than life and I love Xander too, but I’m so angry with him. How could he abandon us like this, abandon her?

I leave for Ryker’s early, not able to stay put when my head is shot. I make it past the photographers that are still hovering outside my home and head to Ryker’s. He welcomes me into his apartment with a grin and I smile when he rubs his hands together.

“Oh, are you going to love this.”

His home is bare except for the stacks of servers in the corner of his living room. He has a couch, a TV, and a rug I know Audrey bought him.

“What you got?”

“Well, this little weasel has enough on his computer to put him away for the foreseeable.”

“Oh, yeah?”

“He has a very niche love of illegal porn, and I mean the nasty kind, involving those no longer breathing.”

I look at Ryker, my lip curling. “Tell me you’re joking.”

“No, man. He’s a piece of work.”

“Right, let’s go take out the trash.”

We head out in Ryker’s vehicle so that any paparazzi that did follow me don’t follow us to the motel. I quickly find out his room number by paying the clerk a crisp hundred and smile when he hands me a spare key. This is a rent-by-the-hour establishment so I know they won’t ask questions.

I use the key and shove my way into Lance’s room, gagging at the stench of stale food and body odor. He is lying face down on the bed in a pair of briefs, his pale flesh glaring in the light.

“Get up.”

I kick his leg and he grunts, so I take his leg and Ryker takes the other and we drag him to the floor where he lands with a thud.

“What the fuck?” He jumps up, rubbing his bloodshot eyes and blinking.

“Pack your shit, you’re done here.”

“Hey, you’re Amelia’s fuck toy.”

I throw my arm back and Ryker stops me. “Dude, your hands are worth more than that.” Then he steps forward and jabs Lance in the face. “Mine, not so much.”

Lance howls as he holds his bloody nose. “You broke my nose.”

“I’m gonna snap your fucking dick off and shove it up your asshole if you don’t start listening.”

“I’ll sue.”

Ryker chuckles. “Oh, please do. I can’t wait to show the cops what I found on your computer.”

Lance pales. “You can’t do that. You can’t go through my personal files without my consent.”

Ryker jabs his thumb in Lance’s direction. “Is he real?”

I shrug and fold my arms. “Fuck knows.”
