Page 18 of Below Grade

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Four feet or so in height, it had a round bulbous top and a stem that flared at the bottom. Martin was looking at a carved penis. And, if he was any judge, not a very good one. If he’d been Waugh’s art teacher, he’d have given it a C at best.

“Jesus Christ.”

Being a man, and also a gay man, Martin had no issue with penises in general. He liked dick as much as any man. However, he did not appreciate Waugh carving and displaying them on Martin’s property.

Irritation getting the better of him, he stomped away from the offending art to bang on Waugh’s front door.

He was ready to raise his fist again when the door finally opened, and Nick stood in front of him, blinking against the light, his blond hair sticking up in all directions as if he’d only just woken up. For the briefest of seconds, the man’s guard was down. There was no scowl or anger, just Nick Waugh looking young and a bit defenseless. Again, Martin had the thought that he knew Nick from somewhere. This was followed by a flare of something close towant.His cock actually twitched, forcing Martin to shift his stance.

Hell fucking no.

The instant he realized it was Martin who’d been pounding on his door, Waugh’s expression changed and he pulled the door closed so only a sliver of his body showed. His light eyebrows drew together—there was that familiar scowl—and the sense of recognition vanished.

“What do you want?” Waugh demanded.

Martin was not an angry man; he prided himself on being calm and levelheaded. He was not going to let Waugh get to him.

“I want to know why you’ve decided to display a penis on my property.”

Confusion and then something like amusement flickered across Waugh’s face, replacing the glower for a quarter of a moment.

“Freedom of speech.”

Martin was fairly certain freedom of speech had nothing to do with chainsaw-carved cocks. He sucked in a breath through his nose.

“Nope. Take it down or put it around back where it can’t be seen from the road. If it’s here at the end of the day, I’m throwing it on the fire pit and having a pleasant bonfire. Maybe I’ll invite some local kids and have s’mores.”

“Just you try,” Nick snarled as he heaved the door shut.

Martin stared at the weatherworn door as it vibrated an inch from his nose.

That could have gone better. Maybe next time I should try that levelheadedness thing.

What he also needed to do was research tenant rights. Another eight months of this was starting to feel like a very long time.

But the research never happened because the delivery van with the generator Martin had ordered a month ago arrived. It was soon followed by the electrician who was doing him a massive favor by hooking it up during the holiday week.

Out of the corner of his eye, Martin saw Nick’s door open. He surreptitiously watched as the man exited and strode down the hill and toward the road without looking in Martin’s direction. The stiffness in his shoulders told Martin that Nick had seen him and chose to ignore him and leave the penis carving right where it was.

Martin was sorely tempted to do something about the wooden phallus while Nick was out but decided against it. He would try having a calm, adult conversation with Waugh.Thenhe would do something about the cock.

Several hours later, Electrician Rob was wiping his hands off on an already greasy work towel. “This should hold you for now,” Rob said. “But I recommend updating all the boxes as soon as you can. Glad I could get out here for you today.”

Martin was freezing—the wind had picked up even more and the temperatures had dropped—but he’d felt like he needed to keep Rob company while he hooked the generator up. Pretty, the machine wasn’t, but he’d enjoyed talking with Rob while he worked. In a power outage, the machine would automatically switch on and provide power to his cabin and the four closest to him.

The other seven would have to wait until he updated the electric boxes.

While he’d watched Rob work, Waugh’s expression when he opened his door played over and over again on Martin’s mental screen. For those fleeting seconds, Martin had thought maybe he recognized Nick. It had to be a figment of his imagination—along with his dick’s reaction. But, for reasons only understood by his cock and balls, he couldn’t stop rolling the thought and the nebulouswantaround in his brain.

He’d never go there. Nick Waugh was a porcupine mixed with a cactus and a smidgeon of pissed-off cat. And besides, Martin wasn’t looking for anyone, partner or otherwise.

Shoving the last of his tools into his toolbox, Rob closed the lid with a snap.

“You have my card. Give me a call when you’re ready to do the rest.”

Promising to call after the beginning of the year, Martin walked Rob to his van, where they stopped to shake hands.

“Thanks again,” he said before Rob drove off, heading toward Aberdeen.

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