Page 61 of Below Grade

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Magnus was there, of course. And Nick’s friend, Liam, who smiled when he saw them come in together, but then he always seemed to be smiling. Another guy stood next to Liam, and Martin thought he ran the auto shop.

Martin had planned to have Nick take the lead on mining for information. But on second thought,no, bad idea. Martin shook his head at himself. Nick could end up doing more antagonizing than information-gathering. Mostly, Martin wanted to know who the guy was that had come out to talk to the reporters after Andre Dear had stormed back inside the station.

“Martin, Nick,” Magnus called out when he saw them. “Make yourselves comfortable. Beer? Food? Both?”

“Both,” Martin agreed. “Roofing is hard work.”

“Looks like you’re about done?”

Nick claimed the spot next to Liam, banging his friend on the shoulder with his fist. Sitting down on the other side of Nick, Martin nodded. “Yep. We can get started on the insides. I have the feeling roofing may have been the easy part.”

Magnus laughed and, like any good publican, swiped at the already spotless bar in front of Martin and Nick with a damp towel.

Martin cocked his head toward Rufus. “What’s the news?”

Magnus didn’t have to look at his dad to answer. “That forensics gig the mayor hired showed up. Seems like we’re finally going to get some answers around here.”

“We saw a couple of news vans too,” Nick said.

“Aye,” Magnus agreed. “There’s a big motherfucker dealing with them, I heard. They’ll be running away with their tails between their legs soon enough. What can I get you two?”

While the publican took their food orders and poured pints, Martin listened to the conversation flowing around him. More folks were arriving too; the news had spread like wildfire.

“Anyone sitting here?”

Martin shifted to see an unfamiliar man with a hesitant expression on his face.

“Nope, it’s all yours.”

The stranger was in his late thirties or early forties. Unlike Martin, who’d gone silver by thirty-nine, the stranger’s wavy, shoulder-length hair was still dark brown, just a few grays showing at his temples. Martin wondered if he just happened to be passing through or if he’d been drawn by the recent discoveries.

Once he was situated on the barstool, Martin held out his hand. “Martin Purdy.”

He shook Martin’s hand. “Nero Vik.” He looked across at the taps. “What’s good here?”

“Everything so far.”

“Cool, cool.” He nodded.

Magnus set Martin’s beer and Nick’s cider on the bar and turned his attention to the new newcomer. Martin kept his smile to himself, but he was glad someone else had the publican’s attention for a minute.

On Martin’s other side, Nick was in some sort of heated-yet-quiet discussion with Liam. He couldn’t hear what they were talking about, so he sipped at his beer and let the chatter flow around him, waiting for the information he wanted to bob to the surface.

Nick’s thigh bumped against his. It was a casual touch that Martin didn’t think Nick was aware of. Martin liked it. A lot. It pleased him on a visceral level. Nick, consciously or not, was lowering his defenses around him. Last night—Martin smiled—last night had been incredible. He hadn’t been sure Nick would join him in bed, but he had, and the result had been exactly what Martin wanted. And what Nick needed too, although he’d probably go to his deathbed before admitting as much.

“—and Martin here is the new owner.”

“Sorry?” Martin dragged his attention away from memories of a naked, sweaty, panting Nick to the present.

“Oh.” Nero smiled awkwardly. “I was asking about the cabins. Um, are any available to rent?”

“Not yet.” Cabin Five—Nick’s cabin—was basically ready apart from a few amenities. But that was Nick’s spot. And the thought of waking up without Nick in his bed made Martin’s stomach twist. He ignored it. “But I’m hoping to be up and going by late spring.”

Nero was obviously disappointed by his response. “Dang. I’m hoping to find something I can rent short term, but not just a weekend or a couple weeks. There doesn’t seem to be a lot available.” He smiled wanly. “Or anything, really.”

“Why can’t he rent Nick’s place?” Magnus butted in. “He’s not using it.”

“What about me?” Nick asked, distracted from his conversation with Liam.
