Page 65 of Below Grade

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“So logical. You always have an explanation.”

Martin came to stand next to him. “Most of the time, solutions are simple. You, Nick, like things to be convoluted and complicated—I like that about you, a lot.”

Nick started to protest—mostly because, even if he refused to admit it out loud, praise from Martin made Nick’s stomach do a pleased little twist—but just at that moment, a black SUV careened into view.

“Do you see that?” Nick exclaimed, jabbing his finger at the glass. Jane hissed and jumped down, stalking away in a huff, her fur standing on end. Pretty much exactly how Nick felt.

“Is that it?” Martin asked, his voice rising as he leaned toward the window. “Is thattheSUV?”

“I’m sure of it,” Nick said grimly. “Driving too fast and I’ll bet it’s going to head into the back of town in a minute.”

Martin grabbed his car keys off the mantle. “Let’s go, see if we can catch up with it.”

A minute later, Martin was behind the wheel and Nick was strapped into the passenger seat. Gunning the engine so gravel sprayed behind them, he pulled out of their drive and headed the same direction as the black SUV.

“There it goes,” Nick said unnecessarily. “Don’t lose it.”

“Don’t you worry, Starsky, I’ve got this.”

“Starsky, my ass. You just keep your eyes on the road.”

Just as Nick predicted, the SUV turned just past the Pizza Mart. Martin stepped on the gas and they careened around the corner seconds later. Thank fuck, there were no other cars on the road, although Nick had spotted Wanda Stone unlocking the thrift shop while Rufus Ferguson looked on. Rufus frowned at Martin’s car as they sped past.

Nick grabbed at the suicide handle. “Jesus Christ, Martin. My life flashed before my eyes. If Rufus recognized us, we’re going to be on the receiving end of a traffic safety lecture.”

Martin slowed a bit, but the other car was already a block ahead of them. Nick knew it was going to turn off again; this was another dead-end street. There wasn’t anything at the end of this road other than homes and blackberry bushes. Probably a path to the high school, but the car wouldn’t be able to take that.

“There it goes,” Martin said grimly. He gripped the steering wheel so tightly his knuckles were white.

The black car turned again. For the life of him, Nick could not figure out where it was heading. Keeping his eyes pinned on the vehicle as if it might disappear in a cloud of smoke, Nick wondered if the driver knew they were being followed or if they were a habitual turn-indicator ignorer.

Just ahead of them, a silver sedan began inching out of a driveway. “Dammit.” Martin was forced to slow to a crawl while Mr. Gaziano’s car lurched into the street. The eighty-year-old finally passed them by with a smile and a wave. Two blocks ahead of them now, the other car turned again.

By the time they got to the corner, it was nowhere in sight.

“Dammit,” Nick growled, “we were so close.”

“Fucking hell.” Martin banged the steering wheel in frustration. He drove slowly now so they could look down at every intersection. “Did you get a plate number?”

Nick grimaced at his stupidity. “I… forgot?” He’d been so intent on knowing where the car was going, he hadn’t thought about getting the plate number. “It’s not like the cops would look it up and just tell us whose car it is.”

“What’s down that way?” Martin asked, ignoring Nick’s reply.

They were at the northeastern edge of town. Right or left were the only ways to go. One direction of the road eventually led to The Strip, the other to the forest.

“Pretty much just forest land. A few houses tucked away. There’s a campground, but it’s closed for the season.”

“No chance of someone sneaking in and illegally camping?”

“I mean, I suppose so, but Critter and Mags take that shit seriously.”

“Okay, okay. Fine.” Martin banged the steering wheel again, more lightly this time. “Since we’re close, let’s stop in at the Donkey. Maybe Nero will be there, and we can get him sorted out.”

Vik wasn’t in sight when they walked in. The barstools they usually sat in were open, though. Wordlessly, Nick and Martin sat down, their shoulders brushing as they did so.

“Have you seen Nero Vik today?” Martin asked when Magnus stopped in front of them.

Magnus shook his head. “Nope. What can I get you guys? You look a little tense.”
