Page 93 of Beautiful Chaos

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Getting up from her seat, she walks toward him, wrapping her arms around his middle. Her affection for him is unusual, but then I realize this is the first time she has seen him since she allowed her memories to surface. This man saved her life and she’s just now remembering it.

Jimmy looks at me over her shoulder, his expression full of confusion, but he still wraps his arms around her.

“Hey, sweetheart,” he says, patting her back awkwardly.

When she pulls back, she quickly brushes away a couple of stray tears and offers him a smile. “Just ignore me.” She laughs. “Hormones.”

They both sit at the bar.

“Can I get you a drink?” I ask Jimmy, reaching across the bar for my glass to refill.

“Actually, I was hoping you still had that bottle of Merlot I dropped off a while back.”

I grab the bottle of Masseto Jimmy gave us for our anniversary several months ago from the cabinet by the refrigerator. The price tag for something like this is steep, so I was surprised Jimmy could afford it. Since Cat and I don’t drink merlot, the bottle has sat untouched in the cabinet. I decided to keep it to share with Jimmy during one of his visits. He spent his hard-earned money when he shouldn’t have, so he deserves to enjoy a glass.

“Perfect!” he says when I set it on the counter between us.

“What are we drinking to?” I ask as I grab two glasses and pour each of us one.

I slide one across the bar in front of Jimmy. He takes it and looks over at Cat. “You aren’t having any?”

Cat glances at me, unsure how to answer, so I do it for her.

“There’s a possibility that she may be pregnant.”

Jimmy looks between the two of us, a slow smile forming on his face. “Thatis what we’re toasting to.” He holds his glass up. “To new beginnings.”

Cat smiles as she lifts the glass of juice she poured for herself earlier. We each touch glasses.

“So, Jimmy, how have you been? Are you still seeing the woman you teased us with the other day?”

He sets his glass down, a proud smile splitting his lips.

“Sure am, and things are getting serious. I’ll actually be seeing her tonight.”

“That’s great.” Cat beams. “She’s lucky to have you.”

Jimmy laughs. “I’m not sure if she would agree with you, but I’m glad to have her in my life.”

“When do we get to meet her?”

I lift my glass, holding in my grimace when the bitter taste hits my tongue. I can barely tolerate the stuff, but I let the rest slide down my throat to get it over with.

“You’ll meet her soon enough, and I have no doubt you’ll love her. She actually reminds me of you.”

“Oh yeah? How so?”

He spins his glass by the stem. “She has the same quiet disposition as you have. She’s really smart in an unassuming way. She’s sweet and caring like you. And believe it or not, she’s a big fan of thriller novels. She’s actually read all of your books. When I told her I knew you, I thought she was going to pop my eardrums from her screaming so loudly.”

Cat laughs, a light blush covering her cheeks. She’s never been comfortable taking compliments about her work.

“That’s sweet. I’ll have to sign a couple of books for you to give to her.”

“She would love that.”

He grabs the bottle and offers me more wine, but I shake my head. “I’ve had enough.” More than enough, if the headache forming between my eyes is any indication.

“Anyway,” Jimmy says, picking up his glass and swirling the liquid. “I really appreciate you letting me sit for a while. I wasn’t looking forward to waiting for the tow truck in my car.” He lifts his glass, but before he takes a sip, he sets it back down. “Heard the temps are supposed to be dropping over the next couple of hours.”
