Page 5 of Simeon's Beloved

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"Sit and relax and tell me about your day." He said, joking, but he actually wanted to hear about the events of the past few hours. Simeon pushed the whiskey and soda over to him.

“Thank you.” Hunter picked up the drink and took a small sip. “Tastes good after all the wine I’ve ingested today.”

“How did the auction go? I was present for some of it.” Simeon asked. “Did you get what you wanted?”

"Sadly, no, but at least George Crawly didn't get it either." That was exactly the opening Simeon was hoping for.

"George?" He prompted, pushing for more explanation. He knew who George was and wanted to learn more about their relationship.

Hunter rolled his eyes and glanced off to the side for a moment before responding. "He's someone who's been a pain in my side ever since Father hired him two years ago. It's nothing, really, and I don't want to sit here and whine about my difficulties with the staff. It's not a good look, I'm told." He chuckled, and the sound vibrated to Simeon's heart, warming and thrilling. The sound is so soft and beautiful and yet so powerful.

“Tell me about him.” Simeon gently urged and then added. “Is he the one who was bidding against you for the Pinot Noir?” Simeon tipped his hand a little but remained ambiguous as he was not ready to admit his part. Hunter caught his gaze for a few seconds before speaking.

"He tried, but someone outbid him, and for that, I am very grateful." Hunter paused and took another sip of his whiskey. "George had no interest in the Noir and little money with which to bid, so I can only imagine that it was my father who financed his attempt to take that wine from me. I shouldn't have let him see that I wanted it." He shook his head and finished his whiskey. Simeon immediately orders another and sets it in front of him.

“Why would your father want to deny you an auction item?”

“It’s a long story.”

“I have time.”

"Do you have a family?"

"No, I have been on my own for a very long time." Simeon rarely talked about himself, but if he wanted Hunter to share, then he had to be willing to do the same. "I was the eldest of four sons. My father had plans for me, but I had plans of my own, and besides my brothers, all of them were better suited for our father's plans. He had many minds and careers to mold. He didn't need mine."

“You don’t see them anymore?” Hunter sounded distressed for Simeon.

"When I walked away, it was final. We weren't close, Hunter, and I think you can understand that." Simeon felt nothing for the people he left behind. They were family by blood but strangers overall.

“Yes . . . yes . . . I can.” He stated and cast his gaze to the tabletop as if embarrassed.

“Why did your father send George?” He wanted more information about that guy. He could tell by his actions and body language that he was only there to irritate and disturb Hunter.

Hunter raised his eyes and stared right at Simeon, and his strength began to settle in once more. He was a small human with delicate features and a presence that was faint, but from time to time, a strength came over him that showed an inner determination that Simeon hoped to foster and grow. "He was sent to bother me and upset any plans I might try to make. My father and brother find my upset and discomfort to be extremely entertaining.”

“Is George a danger to you?” Simeon went straight for the question he most wanted answered. Hunter thought for a moment and didn’t answer directly. “Has he ever hurt you directly or inadvertently?” Hunter took another sip of his whiskey and then set it aside.

"Are you referring to my fall on the stairs?" Hunter questioned, and Simeon nodded. "George was nowhere near me when I fell, and although he is antagonistic toward me most of the time, I don't believe my father would condone outright physical attacks intended to do bodily harm." Hunter paused before continuing.

"They enjoy humiliating me, but I do believe they would draw the line at physical abuse." Although he said the words, Simeon could easily see that he was not feeling them. The doubt had crept in, and Hunter was not at all sure of where they would draw the line. Simeon did not question in this direction any further, having gotten the answers he sought.

"You were very keen on the bottles of Pinot Noir. Do you collect, or was there another reason you desired them?" Simeon was the other bidder in the mix who stepped in and made sure George did not get the wine. He would not allow someone to take from his beloved, and he didn't care how much it cost. Simeon would have paid whatever was necessary to cut that bastard out of the deal.

“Cabot Wines are known for their Pinot Noir, and I wanted to taste the best and get a feel for what I need to strive toward. I want to try my hand at Pinot Noir and Pinot Gris. I've introduced a few vines that I'm nurturing in private on my own grounds. I brought the suggestion to my father, David Rose, but he shot it down, not interested in putting in the work." He sighed softly, and it sounded somewhat defeated, which Simeon reacted to.

"I think it is a good idea. They are some of our best sellers."

"I know, and I thought if he tasted some of the best, he might be persuaded to allow me to pursue this further within the main winery."

“I know very little about your father’s character, only a few instances that you shared, along with the fact he hired someone like George Crawly to antagonize you. With that alone, I can tell you unequivocally he would not be open to the suggestion. If he was, it would only be to dangle hope in front of your eyes for the enjoyment of jerking it away later." Simeon told him truthfully, and Hunter kept nodding as he spoke. He was in total agreement yet still seemed to be holding onto some fantasy of success or acceptance.

"I don't doubt your assessment to be true, but a part of me keeps thinking that if I can show him success, he would be willing to let me try."

"Why do your efforts, creativity, and success have to be tied to David Rose?" Simeon reached over and laid his hand on top of Hunter's, channeling strength and clarity as he saw his beloved struggling with an answer.

“I’m Hunter Rose of Rose Wines.” He finally stated.

"There are other wineries that would welcome your experience, ambition, and creativity." Simeon knew he was pushing but couldn't pass up the opportunity to introduce the prospect of moving to Cabot Wines.
