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“Whatever you want them to.”

“That’s not how it works, honey.”

I can feel his grin when he kisses my cheek and hovers there. “That’s too damn bad.”

“How about they get my hair and eyes but your lips, talent, and heart?”

“Are you saying you think I have nice lips?”

“That would be all you took from that.” I laugh softly. “But yes, you have the best lips.”

To emphasize my point, I turn my head and press them to mine. The plush feeling of them elicits a whimper from me. My need for him is never-ending. A lifetime wouldn’t be near long enough.

He kisses me back with soft caresses of his mouth, keeping it slow. The care he offers me is enough to have my heart thrashing behind my rib cage. If I weren’t already sure it was us forever, this would have done it.

I don’t know how long we sit here kissing and exploring, but when Maddox finally pulls back, my body is tight with need. My skin is sensitive, every nerve primed and begging.

“I’m going to help Cooper before I take you to bed,” he rasps.

I nod shakily. “Go.”

Green eyes burn bright as they focus on me, making me feel like the only woman in the world. “I love you,” he says.

I fight the urge to rub at the soft spot in my chest as I whisper, “I love you too.”




I’ve been avoidingmy dad for a week, but as I come jogging down the steps outside of the arena after practice and see him leaning against his truck door with his arms crossed, I know that’s no longer an option.

With my piece-of-shit truck breaking down and leaving me needing rides from Mom and Brax for the past month while I save for repairs, I should have been expecting Dad to take matters into his own hands. Now I just feel like a deer in the headlights, nerves and guilt sparking.

“Good practice?” he asks when I reach him.

“Awful.” My shoulder screams at me when I pull down the tailgate and lift my bag to toss it in the box of the truck. “Got my shit rocked more than a couple times. I need an ice bath.”

With nothing more than a nod, he closes the tailgate and walks to the driver’s side. I watch him go, hopping stiffly into the truck as a bad feeling manifests deep in my gut.

I quickly slip into the passenger side, cross my seat belt over my body, and let the soft drone of music smother the silence. It’s still awkward as all hell, but at least it isn’t silent.

Dad starts the engine and pulls out of the parking lot. I tap the window anxiously, debating whether or not to just come out and say it. He would respect that decision more than the alternative to keep quiet, but at this point, I think the respect ship may have already sailed. I’ve waited too long for that.

Ten minutes go by with neither of us speaking, and just as I’m about to crawl out of my skin with anticipation, he turns onto the dirt road leading to our house and clears his throat.

“You think we have a good relationship, right? A mutual sense of trust? That was important to your mother and me when we had you and your siblings. I was very close to my mom growing up. Up until she passed away, I considered her one of my best friends. Your mother and I wanted you three kids to have the same kind of relationship with us as you grew up,” he says.

I swallow. “Yeah, I think so. You and Mom are amazing. You’re great parents.” Better than great.The best.

He drums his hands on the steering wheel, looking straight ahead, not risking even a quick look at me. If it weren’t for a heavy bob of his throat and quick tensing of his jaw, I wouldn’t suspect that he’s even the slightest bit bothered right now.

“Okay, I wanted to make sure.”

The back of my neck is wet, and it has nothing to do with today’s practice. This sneaky attempt to get me to admit I’ve been hiding something from him is dirty. He’s hitting below the belt and succeeding.

“Please just come out and say it, Dad. You don’t have to keep up the act,” I blurt out.
