Page 86 of Dying Without You

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“We're flying in this weekend to visit, be tourists, and visit Mom. Would you guys like to come?”

“Hell, yeah!”

“Do we have plans this weekend?” Derek asked Eden.

“If we do, they’re canceled because I'm not missing a trip to the motherland.”

Collective laughter rose in the air.

“All right then, it’s on!”

* * *

When the planebroke the skyline over Kéra Asnela, Africa, the Clarks admired the tall cliffs of the continent's coast, melting into the sea in shades of blue and green. The sky was painted a beautiful shade of cobalt that contrasted with the puffy white clouds and the vibrant hues in the landscape beneath them. Rolling hills cradled trees as if they were children playing together in a field. The sun shone brightly, and birds flew freely, singing songs to one another.

They could see the incredible architecture of colorful villages and towns as they descended closer to the ground. The homes were painted bright colors with gardens full of exotic plants and flowers. Villagers waved proudly to them as if welcoming them into their world.

They landed and deplaned, greeted with a warm welcome by royal guards who were in place specifically to chauffeur them to Winthrope Estate Palace.

The ride was scenic, and they passed by all sorts of beautiful sights: from lush jungles filled with exotic wildlife and vibrant flowers to more rural areas filled with green rolling fields used for farming. No matter which direction they looked in, there was something beautiful to behold that took their collective breaths away.

“This place is magical,” Lisa whispered.

Langston nodded. “Indeed.”

“How long do you think we can stay?”

“Technically, I'm still on leave. I was haphazardly thrown onto a case because we were targeted. Which means we could stay as long as we like.”

Lisa's eyes narrowed. “Don't threaten me with a good time.”

Dark laughter oozed from him, and the chauffeur spoke up. “We have arrived at Winthrope Estate Palace.”

* * *

The palace wasa sight to behold—pristinely kept grounds hosting statues and sculptures, a fountain shimmering in the midst of it all, with the sound of running water emanating from it, creating an inviting ambience.

Winthrope Estate was an impressive stone structure with tall towers and intricate details carved into the façade. The steps leading to the entrance were wide and luxurious, flanked by four pillars in a large archway and topped with a golden lion crest.

Tall stone walls wrapped around the entire property, accompanied by a deep moat encased in a protective embrace. Large windows gave a view of the palace’s grandeur, with finely wrought details worked around each door.

The Clarks stepped out of the car in awe at their surroundings.

“Well,” Eden said, beaming. “This is amazing.”

The others murmured their agreement and marveled at how lucky they were to experience such a majestic place. The guards led them through the entrance into an immense foyer. Painted marbled walls lined the hall, and golden chandeliers dripped from its ceiling. They continued into the palace's many rooms, each finer than the last, with paintings and sculptures scattered among them.

Eden was right; Kéra Asnela truly was a magical place.

“When you have gotten comfortable, I will return to get you all and take you to the King and the Queen of the Clarks.”

The ladies laughed, and the men smirked. Langston was the first to speak. “If you don't mind, we're ready to see them now.”

“Very well. Follow me.”

The guard led them down a long hallway filled with oil paintings and vividly colored woven tapestries. Large double doors made of dark wood stood at the end of the hallway. The doors were carved with various designs and symbols, depicting the rich history of the kingdom.

The group stood before the doors, anticipation and excitement rippling through them. The guard knocked three times, and a loud voice boomed from inside.
