Page 23 of Stolen Angels

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Ellie walked over to the window and looked out. She had a clear view of the Truman’s backyard. There was a large grassy area with a small trampoline and a sandbox, along with a patio with a table and chairs.

Ellie’s gaze focused on the patio, where she could still see the imprint of a chalk hopscotch board that Ava must have drawn.

If Ms.Grueler had seen Ava playing outside, her son had probably watched her, too.


“Did you notice your son watching her through the back?” Ellie asked, her heart thudding.

“When Ava was out there, and he was home, I closed the curtains.”

“You were protecting him?”

“And the child, too.” Her voice sounded slightly defensive. “If Nolan took Ava or did something to her, he needs help. I blamed myself before when he was arrested, had to listen to that mother crying and see her little girl scared. Broke my heart.” She blew her nose.

“Is there some place where Nolan would go?” asked Ellie. “Some place with a special meaning to him or another property where he might hide out?”

The woman’s hand shook as she rubbed her forehead. “Not that I can think of.”

“Does he have a cell phone?” Ellie asked.

“He does.”

“Then call him and tell him we want to talk to him.”

The woman took her phone from the pocket of her housedress and made the call, leaving a message when Nolan didn’t answer.

Derrick cleared his throat. “I’m going to step outside and call his parole officer.”

Ellie gave a nod of agreement then asked, “Do you mind if we look around? I’d like to see Nolan’s room.”

Ms.Grueler stood, her legs wobbling, then she grabbed the chair edge to steady herself. Ellie couldn’t imagine being in this woman’s shoes.

The old woman hobbled down the hall and stopped at a room with a closed door. She opened it, stepping to the side allowing Ellie entry. At first glance, Ellie felt like she was in a teenage boy’s room. A navy bedspread covered a twin bed and a poster of a popular pop band hung on the wall.

With a shaky hand, she pushed the curtain aside.

From Nolan’s vantage point, he could see straight into Ava’s bedroom window.


Derrick didn’t like the fact that the man had run. In his eyes, that made him look guilty.

He rang the parole officer’s number. “Genesis Luttrell.”

“Ms.Luttrell, this is Special Agent Fox again.”

Her breathing sounded raspy. “Did you visit Nolan Grueler?”

“Yes,” he replied. “I’m at his mother’s house now. Nolan lives on a street behind the Truman house.”

“Oh, dear heavens, that’s not good,” she muttered. “I thought he was managing his condition. He’s checked in regularly and he’s been seeing his therapist on schedule.”

Maybe he’d learned to play the game, Derrick thought. Knew how to avoid being caught. Seasoned criminals could be cunning, even charming at times. “According to his mother, he saw the news report and she confronted him. Then he rushed out. Do you have any idea where he’d go?”

A tense second passed. “No. But I’ll call his therapist and see if she has any ideas. If he was planning this, he may have talked to her about his feelings or gone off his medication.”

“Ask her if he had a special place he might escape to. If he has Ava, we need to find him fast.”
