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He blinked. “Is that a ‘you don’t want to have sex’ kind of line, or an ‘are you okay with period sex’ kind of line?”

I didn’t…know.

I wasn’t bleeding a lot.

In fact, I was bleeding so little that I wasn’t even wearing anything to protect my underwear. However, that didn’t stop the fact that I was still bleeding down there, and most men were grossed out by it.

I know my last boyfriend had a coronary if I tried to get frisky with him during my period. Or a few days after my period.

Anything that wasn’t clear-looking fluids was a definite no go for him.

“It’s a statement of fact,” I said. “I just wanted you to know.”

“It’s been noted,” he growled.

Then, without much more than a word as to what he was about to do, he had me up in his arms and pressed against the wall.

I gasped, unable to believe the sudden movement, and blinked at him in surprise.

“Now that we got that ‘what are you doing here when you shouldn’t be’ out of the way, and we both realize we’re doing this willingly and we probably shouldn’t, let’s get a few things straight,” he growled again.

I bit my lip, which only seemed to set him off more.

“Leaving the door open—wide-ass fucking open—is an okay thing when someone is home with you and it’s daylight. It’s not something that you can do when you’re alone, it’s late, and you already get freaked out when you walk down dark alleys. Trust me, bad people don’t just stick to dark alleys,” he told me.

I swallowed hard.

I felt it prudent to stay silent, too. Why? Because he looked like any words I said from now on would be used against me.

“Do you understand?” he asked.

I nodded.

“Now, let’s get to the part where we talk about what the fuck we have going on here,” he insisted.

I shifted nervously against him, and he pressed himself up against me. Himself being his very hard erection.

“Okay.” I licked my bottom lip.

He watched the movement with hungry eyes but didn’t move to do a thing.

Only when I was done did he say, “I want to see where this goes.”

I blinked.

“I want to try,” he said. “It might not work. It might make us hate each other more, but I think I’m willing to take that chance. Are you?”

Was I willing to have him around and spend time with him and do all the things with him that a couple usually did?

Hell yes I was.

I’d spent the last twenty-four hours agonizing about how much I wanted him and shouldn’t.

“Yes,” I said simply.

His eyes gleamed as he leaned in for a kiss.

“I have barely enough energy now to fall into that bed and sleep for a solid eight hours,” he announced. “I’d love to do you, and I really do have no problem with periods, but I’m fucking wrecked. I don’t think I could stay awake long enough to fuck you.”

I instantly felt a tightness in my chest that hadn’t been there before.

That was…sweet.


Exciting that he was tired, exhausted even, and thought to come over here instead of staying at his home. And he didn’t even want sex!

“Plus,” he added, “I don’t have any condoms.”

I grinned. “I stopped by the General Store today and bought out everything that they had.”

He laughed and then dropped me.

I caught myself on his shoulders as my feet landed on the ground with a jarring jolt.

I glared at him. “Sorry, I thought I would be able to catch you, but when I say I’m tired…I’m really fuckin’ tired. My reaction time is shit right now.”

I rolled my eyes and went to the bed.

I pulled the comforter down and pointed at it. “Bed. We can talk more in the morning.”

He pulled his t-shirt over his head as he said, “Yes, ma’am.”

“I’m not tired right now,” I told him. “I took a six-hour nap during the middle of the day because I had nothing else to do.”

He grinned and started on his pants.

His cock was still hard, and I could really tell when the denim of his pants was no longer there to contain it.

But he made no move to do a thing with it but ignore it.

I did, too.

Kind of.

Maybe I at least told myself I could ignore it.

In reality, I stared at the massive thing covered in a flimsy piece of cotton until he crawled into the bed belly first and covered it.

I sighed and flipped off the light switch.

“I’m in my upstairs office if you need me,” I told him.

“Greer?” he called right when I would’ve closed the door.

I opened it and stared at him, even though I couldn’t see much of his face since he was turned the other way.

“Yeah?” I asked.

“I think this’ll work.”

I felt something inside of my chest start to twinge.

I liked his words.
