Page 320 of Sacrilege

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I already have one idea about how to lighten the mood.

“Hey, John, is it really true, what your friends said?”

Confusion crosses his face. “What? What did they say?”

“That you’re a virgin?” I ask, holding my breath and hoping he won’t get pissed at me.

But he doesn’t get mad. Instead, he stops walking, looks around, and takes a step closer.

“You’ll just have to wait to find out, won’t you?” he whispers in my ear.

My calculus class has become an obsession. Like when someone says you can’t do something and you do it anyway just to spite them.

This class might be the end of me, but I’m still not giving up.

I manage to squeeze in studying for my other courses here and there, enough to keep my grades good, and the guys, bless them, tirelessly work with me to help me get better at calc.

Tonight after dinner, we head to our usual spot in the library. After an hour of intense practice exercises, I am so done I could cry.

“Guys. I think I’ve had enough for the night.”

Thomas and Matthew look at each other and grin. “Does that mean it’s our time now?”

I widen my eyes and play coy. “Our time? What does that mean?”

I bat my eyelashes for emphasis.

Matthew leans over the table and lowers his voice to a sexy, irresistible pitch. “It means time for you to do as we say.”

Putting my hands on the sides of my face, I pretend to be shocked. “I have to do what you say? What if I don’t want to?”

He leans back in his chair, stretches his neck, and looks at me again. “Guess that calc grade doesn’t mean that much to you after all.”

“Well, if you’re gonna put it that way…” I say in my best whiny voice.

The guys all get to their feet, grabbing their backpacks.

“Aren’t you coming, Rose?” John asks with a twinkle.

I hold my backpack up as I get to my feet. “I’m ready. I’ve been ready. And I have a surprise for all of you.”

They shift on their feet, looking at each other, wondering what the hell I have up my sleeve.

“Follow me,” I say, careful to sashay my hips just so while they follow me.

We wind through the massive library, passing through a couple doors to file through rooms, each one a little emptier than the one before it, until we get to the stacks, where ancient volumes are stored that pretty much no one uses anymore.

Thomas looks around. “Check this place out. Never been here.”

Matthew runs a finger over the faded spines of some seriously old books. “Whoa. Look at this dust.”

I crook my finger at the guys, eager to show off my advance work. “We’re almost there.”

We head down a row with bookshelves so high they reach to the ceiling, until we get to a nook way in the back with a beat-up desk and a couple chairs.

Matthew glances around, incredulous. “Looks like no one’s been here in years. Cripes. Someone could die here and no one would know.”

