Page 20 of Entwined in Fate

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I scrunch my face in skepticism. “What… what do you mean?”

“I mean,” Carter bends down so we can maintain eye contact. “You got drunk that night, and you couldn’t tell me where you lived, so I took you home. But when we got there… you started trying to kiss me and taking off your clothes. So, I locked you in my bedroom, and I slept on the couch.”

What?I don’t remember doing any of that. Then again, I don’t remember anything from that night.

Before I can answer, Carter adds, “I wanted to tell you that the next morning but you walked off, well, ran.”

If I hadn’t had a half bottle of tequila to myself after a few glasses of red wine, I would have been embarrassed at how I acted that night. But my head is buzzing, and my face is flushed. And so, I let out a hearty laugh. I don’t care if I seem crazy to other people.

Maybe I am.

I laugh so hard that I think I have swallowed too much air.

After I calm down, I finally feel the relief I’ve been searching for since that night. Knowing we didn’t actually sleep together gives me a bit more sense of dignity. So, I touch Carter by the forearm. “Thank you. Thank you for being a gentleman.”

Chapter Nine

Apartfromthehangover,nothing else feels the same as all the previous mornings recently.

Today, I feel so much better. Almost hypomanic—like I can conquer the world. But instead of the world, I wake up with the willpower to conquer my heartache.

From this day forward, I’m no longer crying for a guy who doesn’t care enough to call me back and ask me how I’m holding up.

So, instead of wasting another beautiful day by fretting and fuming, I take a shower, clean the apartment, cook breakfast for everyone, and begin scrolling through job sites for positions related to business development.

After sending my updated CV to multiple companies looking to hire someone with my background and expertise, I decide to go for a quick jog around the neighborhood.

I haven’t run in a while or just haven’t gotten enough exercise, but jogging has gotten harder than I remember it. In fact, I only manage a few blocks, and I’m already breathing like I’ve been chainsmoking since I was 12.

Stopping beside a building, I pause to catch my breath. I need more than five huffs of oxygen to even get my heart to calm down. I’m not surprised if all that drinking has finally affected my organs.

I know I’m slowly killing myself with the amount of alcohol I’ve been having. At least I’m breaking that habit now.

As I put my outstretched hand against the wall, I glance to my right, realizing I have a direct view of a small kindergarten; multiple kids sitting and playing. Toys, coloring books, and other materials lay on the floor.

All the bright colors are inviting enough, but what’s really inviting is the teacher crouching down as he speaks to two girls in the room. His brown faux leather jacket complements the color of his hair.

For whatever reason, I’m drawn to him—because it’s Carter.

Just when I realize that it’s him, he looks up. Then, our eyes meet.

Knowing I’m sweaty and short of make-up, I lean back against the wall and away from the glass where he could see me.

Did he see me?I hope not.

I mean, I know he’s seen me at some of my worst moments, but still, I ought to look prettier than…this.Especially in broad daylight.

Especially since it’s Carter—tall, handsome, well-dressed, and well-versed…

“Estelle,” a voice calls out to me.

I turn, and there he is: shining against the sunlight in his graceful stance.

Shit. He saw me.

He smiles at me all too knowingly, and I like it. “What brought you here?”

“Oh!” I immediately answer defensively. “I was just running around the neighborhood. I swear, I didn’t know you had your kindergarten here.”
