Page 11 of Limitless

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I felt bad that our love life so lacked in D/s play, but life had a way of sapping you of energy. My practice at SCH was very busy, and I took on very complex cases and often spent long hours monitoring my patients to ensure they were okay. Kate had Sophie and Liam — and Ethan — to watch over and care for, plus her art, so she was just as tired as I was at night when we were alone — the only time except for a stolen weekend away when Elaine agreed to babysit. Usually, Kate and I slept in and did little beside enjoy the solitude together.

I had come to realize that while I still enjoyed D/s, I no longer felt I needed it. For a while, after Maureen and I split, it was a way to control myself and my emotions. I didn’t want to fall in love again only to have my heart broken. I wanted to remain above all that and D/s was a way for me to do that. My subs were not girlfriends. They were very specific sexual partners, who were with me purely for the experience of sexual submission. It was safe.

Meeting Kate and realizing that she needed it, wanted it, but was too afraid to admit it to herself gave me a feeling of purpose. I could provide it for her. I could give her what she needed. In return, I could get what I needed.

What I didn’t count on was falling in love with her.

I never planned to, but life and the heart have their own ideas for us.

Falling in love with Kate was the best thing that ever happened to me. When we moved back to New York, I was determined to rekindle that part of our sexual relationship and was glad that she felt the same.

I heard the door to Lara’s office down the hallway open, and soon, she emerged, two middle-aged men following her down the hallway to the waiting room where I sat. She raised her eyebrows to signal that she saw me, and then walked the two men to the elevator.

“We’ll stay in touch,” she said. “Call me if you have any questions. You have my private number.”

“Thanks,” the one older man said, taking Lara’s hand and shaking it, both hands around hers. “You’re a lifesaver.”

“You know it.”

She smiled and watched as the two men entered the elevator until the doors closed. Then, she turned to me. “Drake Morgan, MD. Neurosurgeon. Bass player. Philanthropist. Come right in.”

I put my cell away, stood and buttoned my jacket, smiling at the description of me that she liked to use when introducing me to potential new subs. I noted that she didn’t mention the Dominant term she usually tacked on to the end of that description, but the less said about that, the better.

“Lara…” We air kissed and then she pulled me into a warm hug.

“How are you, old friend?” She took my arm and led me down the hallway. As was usual for Lara, she liked to lead in all things, the Domme that she was.

“I’m better, now that I see you.”

“Good, good,” she said and pulled me into her office. Before she closed the door, she leaned out to speak to her assistant. “Hold all calls. I’ll be busy until after lunch.”

Then, Lara closed the door and turned around.

“Come in, come in, and have a seat. I’m dying to hear all your news and see how I can help.”

“I’ve told you most of it already,” I said and sat on the sofa in the sitting area of her office.

She sat beside me and leaned her arm on the back of the sofa. Her eyes were intense. “It must be hard to give up such a wonderful job in Southampton. Aren’t you the least bit mad at Maureen and Chris for forcing you to do this?”

I shrugged. “It is what it is. I could get mad about it, but what good would that do? It’s not going to change things. Instead, I’m trying to make the best of it.”

“Michael can’t have been happy at the news you were leaving the hospital and the robotic surgery unit.”

I shook my head, remembering how disappointed Michael was when I told him I was moving back to New York at the start of the school year because of Liam.

“He wasn’t happy, but he understood completely. Family first.”

I felt Lara’s eyes moving over me and for a moment, I thought she disapproved of my decision. She wasn’t married and had never had children. Married family life was not her idea of a good life. She loved the law, and she loved the kink lifestyle too much to ever settle down and be a mother and wife.

She exhaled heavily. “I know. That’s your truth and you have to live it, or else, why bother? I’m going to do everything I can to help you get shared custody. I’ve put some feelers out there to get a sense of what your reputation is, and hope we can rehabilitate you, get you back working here in New York and shared custody of Liam. I have the name of a great family law attorney who I think you should hire to represent you. He’s totally clean, not known to be part of the lifestyle, and would be happy to help you. He’s expensive, but I know you can afford him. He’s the best.”

“Thanks,” I said and smiled. “I knew if I wanted the best legal advice there was, it would come from you.”

“Speaking of which, how is Ethan? He had a bout of Covid?”

I spent a few moments going over how sick from Covid Ethan had been. The rest of us seemed to escape infection, testing negative, but Ethan was immune compromised and susceptible.

“What will Kate do when you come back?”
