Page 12 of Limitless

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I shifted on the sofa and finished my cup of coffee. “She wants to finish her thesis. Maybe get a job in journalism, writing about the art world.”

Lara nodded. “I have some contacts in local news. When she’s done, I can always recommend her to them.”

“That would be great.”

For the next hour, we caught up on each other’s business and then talked about what would be involved for me to get shared custody in New York State. I figured it would be okay since I’d already had custody of Liam during the school year while Maureen and Chris were in China. Surely the courts would take that into consideration when adjudicating the terms of shared custody. I didn’t care whether Liam lived with Maureen during the week and with me on weekends — whatever worked best. I wanted Liam to live with us both as much as possible. As long as I was part of his life, I would be happy.

“Feel like going to lunch with me to this nice little boutique restaurant that just opened in the Financial District? There are quite a few big players on Wall Street I know who frequent it and told me about it.”

“You and your Wall Street big players…”

“You know I love the Wall Street big players. They like to unwind on the weekends at The Club, where I do my best work. They told me about this place. Great food. It’s really nice.”

“I told you that I’m yours for as long as you want me,” I said, opening my arms up.

Lara smiled and leaned closer to tell me about The Club. It featured a classy bar and restaurant which was a front for a BDSM dungeon frequented by wealthy clients who wanted their identities to remain anonymous. There were a few notorious Wall Street players who didn’t want it known that they liked to be tied up and spanked by a dominant woman wearing black leather boots.

Lara was that woman. She had a knowing smile as she described a few of them to me, trusting that I would never reveal their names. I understood the need for privacy as much — and maybe more — than most.

My participation in the lifestyle had almost cost me my life — and that of Kate and Sophia.

It cost Derek his life.

It was understandable that people involved didn’t want their participation public. I only wish I’d been wiser and not so willingly become involved with Derek and Lisa.

I would never make that mistake again.

“You should bring Kate some day when you two are back.”

I chuckled at that. “I’m sure Kate would be interested in taking part in the lifestyle more than we have, frankly.”

“That’s good,” Lara said. “She’s still young and beautiful. Don’t let her turn into a mother and wife too completely. There’s still a desiring sexy woman inside of her despite how she might be living right now.”

I nodded and thought about our life for the past few years. We had settled into a familiar routine of me working, being on call one week a month, and how tired I was with the long hours I spent setting up the paediatric robotic surgery unit at the children’s hospital in Southampton. We still had a sex life, but it was when we both were not too tired from our work and lives as parents to two children under ten.

It was part of life that sex receded into the background while new parents dealt with the stresses and pressures of family life. I hoped that once Sophie was in school that Kate and I would be able to steal a few weekends away and share a few afternoon delights, but that was rare.

We seldom did anything resembling a D/s scene…

That would change. Kate wanted it. I would ensure it. “I’m going to make time so we’re more involved in the lifestyle, but frankly, neither of us has much energy for it while I’ve been in Southampton. We’re happy to fall into bed together and just make love now and then.”

Lara clucked her tongue a few times in disapproval. “Don’t let that spark die between you two. It will help you get through hard times.”

I nodded. I had every intention of letting Kate take the lead on that side of things. If she wanted more D/s, I would be more than happy to give it to her, so I was glad she gave me a copy of the letter and the signal that she did, so I would make it happen.

I hadn’t pushed before because I knew how busy she was with her art, and with being a mother to Sophie and a stepmother to Liam. Plus, I was beat when I got home from the hospital late at night.

“Don’t get old too soon,” Lara said and reached out to squeeze my arm. “It happens anyway, so fight it every step of the way.”

I smiled. “I’ll make sure. I just need to find the energy.”

“You need to work less and play more. Maybe when you come back, not being employed as a full-time neurosurgeon will help on that side of things.”

“I hope so,” I said and exhaled. It would be nice to pull back a bit from the demands of my neurosurgery practice in Southampton for a while. I’d love to go on a long holiday with Kate and Sophie and Liam. Somewhere all inclusive, with lots to do for the kids and we could lie around on the beach and just relax. Be waited on. Eat good food and sleep in.

Sophie and Liam were good at amusing themselves in the mornings on the weekends. I promised myself I’d book a short holiday for the family once we moved back to America and I intended on keeping that promise.

Even better would be for Sophie to stay with Ethan and Elaine for a long weekend so Kate and I could get away by ourselves.
