Page 21 of Limitless

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“Hey, kiddo,” I said and sat beside her. “Time for a bath and then bed. You’ve had a busy day.”

She glanced up. “Can I play with Alyssa before we move away?”

“Of course,” I said and brushed the hair away from her cheek. “I’ll call and see if she’s free Saturday. Daddy will be home on Sunday, but you could play with Alyssa during the afternoon on Saturday.”

Sophie nodded and gathered up her toys. She followed me into the bathroom, and while I ran a bath, she undressed and then threw the three unicorns into the bubbly water.

While she played in the bath, I packed up some of the bathroom supplies that we wouldn’t need over the next few days. Then I went to the living room and called Alyssa’s mother Jane to arrange a playdate for Saturday. When that was out of the way, I went to the kitchen and made a pot of tea for Elaine and me.

Once Sophie was dried off, brushed her teeth and was tucked into bed, I read her a few bedtime stories, before kissing her goodnight.

“What will it be like in New York?” she asked, her stuffed doll in one arm, her favorite unicorn in the other.

“You will love it,” I said and stroked her cheek. “We’ll live close to Liam, and you and he can play together every week when he stays with us. We’ll live in a nice neighborhood, and you’ll start school in September.”

She smiled, but I could see a bit of hesitation in it.

“Don’t worry, sweetheart.” I bent down and kissed her on the forehead. “Everything will be wonderful.”

She closed her eyes and so I turned off the overhead light and switched on the star light, which shone stars on her ceiling.

“Good night, sweetheart,” I said, standing at the door, watching her.

“Night, Mommie.”

Then, I closed the door almost shut but not quite and went back down the stairs to the living room where Elaine was sitting, drinking tea and reading the newspaper.

I glanced into the office. The light was out. “Daddy asleep?”

“Yes. I left the TV on without any sound and with closed captions so he could read the news if he was awake. He’s sleeping soundly.”

“Good. I think he’s on the mend, fingers crossed…”

“Yes, fingers and toes and eyes crossed.”

Elaine gave me a smile and we sat in the small living room area and watched television, catching up on the news of the day.

I yawned and glanced at my watch when it was finally time for me to go to bed.

“Well, that’s it for me. Have a good night.”

“You, too,” Elaine said and folded her newspaper. “I think I’ll go to bed, too.”

We turned off the lights and made sure the doors were locked and the security system was on, and then went our separate ways.

It would be strange going back to New York and living apart, but I was sure that my father and Elaine would probably enjoy the solitude. They’d be welcome to visit us as often as they liked but would have their own place once more.

I went to Drake and my bedroom, got into my PJs and then after brushing my teeth, I crashed into the huge four poster bed and checked my cell to see if Drake had sent any texts while I was in the bathroom.

Sure enough, there was one from him.

DRAKE: Had a great day at the hospital today. Things are looking good for a return to NYP. The new head of surgery is a decent guy, very forward thinking, who appreciates my experience at SCH. Thinks I could be a great addition to the staff.

I leaned back, smiling at the photo he sent of his old office, which was currently filled with boxes and old furniture. It would be amazing if he could get his old office back.

KATE: Fingers crossed that it all works out. Daddy is much better today, and even sat up and had dinner with us on the patio tonight. Sophie misses you. I miss you…

I checked my watch. It was eleven o’clock, Southampton time, which meant it was only six o’clock back in New York. Drake would be getting ready for dinner.
