Page 22 of Limitless

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KATE: What are you up to tonight?

DRAKE: Dinner with a potentially new colleague. Young buck from the Surgery Department who was very welcoming to me when I was there today. We may share a few interests other than surgery and robotics.

I smiled at that.

KATE: You mean old British Invasion music, or do you mean the Lifestyle?

DRAKE: Maybe both. He’s like a younger version of me except far less uptight.

KATE: Who is this mystery man and when have you been uptight?

DRAKE: Oh, I was very uptight before I met you. You unwound me.

I laughed at that. He was very controlled if that’s what he meant by uptight.

KATE: You had endless self-control, but I don’t think that qualifies as being uptight…

DRAKE: I was uptight. In contrast, he is chill about things. I think we’ll get along just fine. I had some interesting discussions with Lara about a new club she belongs to. We might want to go and visit, take in the sights. Rekindle that part of our relationship if you get my drift.

I understood he was talking about the D/s part of our relationship and that made me smile and sent a thrill through my body.

KATE: I do get your drift and can’t wait. We’ll be excited to see you Sunday night. Love you.

DRAKE: See you Sunday. Love you.

I took in a deep breath and leaned back, re-reading our texts. I would be excited to rekindle that part of our relationship when we returned to New York.

With that in mind, I turned off the light and closed my eyes, thoughts of Drake and the intense expression on his face when he was in scene thrilling me and making it very hard to go to sleep…


Irose that morning feeling hopeful that my meeting with Porter would go well and that I’d get the news I was hoping for: my past involvement in BDSM and the scandals around Sunita and Lisa Monroe would not follow me the rest of my life.

I fixed a thermos of coffee before leaving for the day, and went to my rental, which was parked outside the apartment. I glanced around and sure enough, across the street, was a dark sedan with a red coffee mug perched on the dashboard. The sign that Brimstone Security was protecting me and watching my property.

I’d have to remember to send Kyle a text thanking him for his help.

I spent the morning driving around Brooklyn, noticing the sedan a few blocks away, tailing me and it gave me a sense of security knowing one of Kyle’s men was there.

I checked out neighborhoods to see where we might want to live, given the general area that Maureen and Chris were looking at for housing. There were a lot of options, and of course, having a lot of money invested meant that we could live virtually anywhere we wanted, no matter the price.

It was a freedom that I thanked my father, the socialist, for providing me. It was ironic that the man who despised capitalism and dreamed of socialism was the one who made himself and me multi-millionaires-verging-on-billionaires, depending on how stock was performing at the time you did a count. He never lived like it, but I could if I wanted.

What I wanted more than anything was my old job back, and all the multi-millions-nearing-billions could do was give me a nice home. I could donate to the hospital, but I already did through the charity, so that wouldn’t move the needle.

What it took was a much more relaxed attitude of the new boss — Dr. Clark Porter.

It was because of him that I had a chance.

I arrived at NYP around 1:45 PM and had enough time to stop into the coffee room and get a cup of coffee before I went to Porter’s office and sat in the waiting room for our meeting.

When I was called in, I shook hands with Porter, who was a tall lanky man with fair hair and bright blue eyes.

“Dr. Morgan!” He extended his hand and shook my hand warmly. “So glad you could come by. I’m swamped with admin stuff, sadly, but this was one meeting I was very happy to take. Have a seat.”

I took a seat in the small seating area in his office, which looked out into the quad. He sat across from me, his legs crossed, his hands folded.

“So, tell me why you’re coming back and why we’re fortunate enough to have you when Southampton is losing you.”
