Page 3 of Limitless

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I would make sure that changed when we returned to New York.

With that settled in my mind, I went back to my work, moving boxes from the closet to the side of the room.

I loved Southampton. I would miss the weather and the scenery and the lifestyle we had here.

But Maureen and Chris were finally returning to the USA and would be living in the New York area. That gave us the opportunity to try out real shared custody. Our lives were going to be back in New York, and I would do everything in my power to make it as good as it was here — and better.

That meant that Drake and I would reignite the flame that made our sexual relationship so good.

I smiled to myself and moved another box to the side of the room.


The guitar felt so good in my hands.

It wasn’t mine, but I had played it before years earlier when Mersey was performing on a more regular basis. The old Gibson belonged to Ken O’Riley, a friend since forever, and I often used it to practice on the fly, after work when I didn’t have my own guitar. A Gibson Ripper bass circa 1973, it was Ken’s pride and joy. I felt privileged to play it, for the Ripper was designed by Gibson himself.

I realized what a guitar geek I truly was when I sat on stage, the overhead lights shining down on me, the Ripper in hand, two dozen empty tables in the audience, and it was an almost religious experience.

I strummed the strings, picked out a few chords, and then played the opening bass line for my favorite song — one that brought a choke to my throat.And I Love Her,by the Beatles.

After I was almost to the end, Ken came up behind me and laid a hand on my shoulder while I played. I stopped, but he stood in front of me and pointed to the guitar.

“Don’t stop. Play it. I haven’t played it for several years, so it’s good to see it’s instinctual for you.”

I nodded and kept playing until I’d played all the way through.

When I finished, Ken actually clapped, and I laughed.

“I’m not that desperate for approval,” I said with a grin.

“No, seriously,” Ken said, shaking his head. “You’re truly a musician. Too bad you didn’t go into music instead of medicine. Mersey could have been all the rage, traveling around the world, playing amazing venues, millions of adoring fans, women falling at our feet…”

I snickered at the last comment. “You were never one to have problems getting ladies, if I recall.”

“No,” Ken said and stood up a little straighter. “I guess not. But not adoring groupies. Think of all we missed out…”

He winked at me, and I knew he was joking. Both he and I had been incredibly lucky to find women we loved deeply and who loved us back. I wouldn’t trade that for all the groupies in the world.

“Too bad Kate and Sophie couldn’t come with you,” Ken said and pulled up a stool while I continued to pick at the guitar.

“Believe me, she really wanted to, but Ethan’s been sick, and she didn’t want to leave him, just in case…”

Ken nodded. “How’s he doing? Still weak?”

“Yes, weaker. Bad bout of Covid. He survived, but he’s not his old self anymore. More cognitive decline on top of the physical. Confusion. Sadness because of it.”

Ken took in a deep breath. “I know how it is to lose a father. We both know.”

I stopped playing. “We do. I’m so worried about Ethan dying while I’m gone, but I just couldn’t put this trip off.”

Ken raised his eyebrows. “Maureen and Chris moving to Brooklyn? Does this mean you and Kate will move back so you can share custody of Liam?”

“That’s our hope. I have to meet with a family law specialist and see if I can get joint custody of Liam.”

“What do you think?” Ken asked, making a face of doubt. “Will they look at your time caring for him in Southampton as enough to grant shared custody?”

“Hope so,” I said and placed the guitar on its stand. “Regardless, I can always come back and have him alternate weekends and holidays.”
