Page 49 of Limitless

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We passed a small market with fresh flowers on the sidewalk, so George stopped the limo, and I got out and checked the out. I picked one bouquet of red roses and baby’s breath, and then paid the vendor. I saw a box of chocolates on the counter and bought it as well. I was sure Sophie would be happy to have a treat and didn’t want to leave her out.

We drove through the city streets back to the 8thAvenue Apartment, which we moved back into once Monroe was in custody. I thanked George and practically ran up the steps to the front entrance, and then up the stairs to our second-floor apartment. Once inside, I went right to the kitchen, where Kate was stirring something on the stove. Sophie was seated at the kitchen island, playing a game.

“Hello, my love,” I said and handed Kate the flowers. “How was your day?”

We kissed warmly, and Kate smiled when she examined the bouquet. “It’s getting better and better. Chocolates, too?” She took them from me and showed them to Sophie. “Look, Daddy got us our favourites.”

“Can I have one?” Sophie asked, her eyes wide.

“After dinner,” I said and went to the cupboard to retrieve the vase. I filled it with water while Kate unwrapped the bouquet and then placed the stems into the vase. She arranged the flowers and then placed the vase on the table in the kitchen area. “They’re beautiful. Thank you.”

We kissed again and smiled at each other. “I figured you deserve them for putting up with me this past week.”

“Putting up with you? I’m lucky to have you and I know it,” she said and slid her arms around my neck. “What can I give you in return?”

She had a sly expression in her eyes, and I knew exactly what she meant by those innocuous words.

“I have a few ideas. In fact, Dane invited us to go to The Club with him this weekend as his guest. Have a look around. We don’t have to actually play at all, but just see if it fits our interests.”

“That sounds divine,” Kate said, and we kissed again. “Maybe tomorrow night? We could get Karen Mills to stay with Sophie?”

“I’ll call her and see,” I said and removed my cell, searching through my contacts to see if I still had her number. Sure enough, it was right below Dave Mills. I dialed and my call went right through to voice mail. I left a message, asking if she was still interested in sitting for us, and if she was available the following evening for a few hours. I left my new cell number and ended the call. “Maybe if not this weekend, another one. Hopefully, she’s still interested in sitting. Otherwise, we might have to avail upon Ethan and Elaine to come and visit for the evening.”

“I’m sure they’d be willing to have Sophie stay with them overnight if it came to that.”

I nodded and changed into more casual clothes.

Then, Kate, Sophie and I had a nice meal together and we spent the evening in front of the flatscreen, watching some kind of BBC dinosaur documentary Prehistoric Planet with the beloved David Attenborough narrating.

Dinosaurs were Sophie’s latest obsession — one I was very happy to encourage.

* * *

Before we went to bed,I got a text message from Karen Mills.

KAREN: Hi, Drake — so nice to hear from you. I’d be more than happy to sit with Sophie if you need me. I’m sorry I didn’t answer your phone, but I was at a movie with friends. I have tomorrow night off if you want me to come by. Let me know. Good to have you back in the Big Apple!

“Looks like Karen Mills is still interested in sitting for us.”

“Oh, that’s great,” Kate replied, smiling. “I feel so good leaving Sophia in her care.”

“Me, too.”

I texted Karen back.

DRAKE: That’s wonderful. I know both Kate and I feel happy to have you care for Sophie. How about seven thirty to midnight? I can arrange for our chauffeur George to pick you up and drop you off when we’re done.

KAREN: Sounds perfect. See you tomorrow night.

DRAKE: Thanks again. You’re a godsend.

“There,” I said and put my phone away, pulling Kate closer. “It’s settled. I’ll let Dane know and tomorrow, you and I will go out and have some fun.”

I kissed Kate and sighed in contentment. Maybe, finally, life would return to normal for us.

Better than normal.

* * *
