Page 118 of The SongBird's Love

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“Fine,” she said.

She could always use her sleeve, it was black after all... Yet, when she tried to approach Dante’s lips with her wrist to wipe them off, he avoided her.

“Not like that,” he said.

“How, then? We don’t have time for your little games!”

“Well, you started it.”

“No, you started it when you decided what I had to wear. Now, can you stop acting like a jerk for five seconds?”

“...I want a kiss first.”

Eden rolled her eyes. He really was going to be childish and whimsical until the end, wasn’t he? Still, she decided to end this push-and-pull game with him. With a sigh and a silent prayer that she’d be able to keep her emotions in check, she leaned forward to kiss Dante. She saw him smile right before they both closed their eyes.

Their kiss had a faint taste of cigarettes. Still, Eden found herself quickly absorbed in it. Of course Dante wouldn’t have settled for a mere peck on the lips... Soon, she felt his tongue on hers and his fingers in her hair, grabbing it and keeping her close. Eden tried her best to stay calm, but she could feel her heart pounding, and her blood heating up from the mere feeling of that long, passionate kiss. She tried not to give in, but it was hard to ignore those sensations tingling in her stomach... After a couple more seconds, Eden finally pulled away.

“Happy now?” she muttered with a sullen look.

“Very,” chuckled Dante.

In front of her shocked eyes, he suddenly pulled out a handkerchief from his jacket and offered it to her. Eden glared, before snatching it and wiping off his lips in a couple of seconds. He was now a bit red, but clear of makeup and she angrily erased hers as well. She couldn’t believe she’d been led on again... Angry, she exited the vehicle without waiting for him. He could get shot, but she wouldn’t save his ass this time.

“The area looks clear, Boss,” said one of the men as Dante finally appeared.

Once he stood up, Dante’s attitude did a complete U-turn. Even Eden was slightly surprised by the cold mask that donned his face and brought all his men who weren’t watching their surroundings to look down like obedient dogs.

The Italian Tiger had arrived. That realization seized in her chest, making Eden remember she had a role to play as well. Dante calmly walked around the car, no trace left of his playfulness from before. She placed herself right by his side, the only person allowed to stand so close to him. Everyone else was following from afar, like the legs of a spider keeping at an invisible distance. Eden was the only one close enough to see the details of his Italian designer suit. She brushed her blonde hair back, acting as professionally as she could. No one could see it, but she still felt the heat on her lips...

They walked inside a large and ancient-looking building Eden did not recognize. There was a great hall... Perhaps a school? It felt like the trip by car had taken a long time, so Eden couldn’t tell where exactly they were now. She only knew they were somewhere up north, from the route Rolf had taken...

The place was full of the Zodiac’s people, though. The minute they walked in, she could feel the pressure of dozens of stares on them. Each Zodiac’s men were covering all exits, and staring at the newly-arrived group with distrustful eyes. Eden made sure to stay close to Dante and find a handful of possible emergency exits. She wasn’t sure they’d get out as quietly as they’d gone inside... They walked up some large stairs, which split left and right, but Dante clearly knew exactly where to go. People were also letting them through without questions, despite the suspicious stares. One glance from the golden eyes was enough to persuade anyone...

Finally, two men opened the doors for them to another room. It was a former conference room, although it was now full of empty seats and everyone present was standing.

Eden felt the tension double as they walked into the room. The three groups present all turned their eyes to them. Eden tried to look composed, but internally, she had trouble calming down. Most people would never meet a Zodiac in their lifetime, thankfully for them. Now, she was facing three at once, all potential enemies. Although she was used to fighting, meeting three of the most powerful people in the area was still very impressive. Each of them had a very different aura from the people surrounding them, so much so that even without any introduction or distinctive features, she could tell which ones were Zodiacs.

“De Luca!” exclaimed one of the women, with a smile. “Finally, the Tiger makes his entrance...”

That was the only one Eden already knew. Thao, the Rat. Despite being surrounded by angry and hunky men, she looked very calm, even smiling at them, and playing around with one of her knives. Aside from the weapon she was playing with, she looked like any woman one would see in the streets. She was wearing a fitted black dress with black boots and leather, fingerless gloves. She wore her hair in two buns, but the loose strands of her black hair were dyed blue and burgundy, matching her unique makeup. She also had a few piercings on her ears, mouth, and eyebrows. Eden had no idea how old that woman really was. She looked young, but she has also been the Rat for longer than Dante has been the Tiger...

“We were wondering if someone had finally gotten rid of you,” added the Dog. “Your bounty is attractive.”

Unlike her smiling peer, the woman known as the Russian Watchdog was completely stone-faced. Eden couldn’t understand why Loir was so scared of that woman... She wore a red suit that matched her lipstick and looked like she could have been some famous movie star with her short, platinum-blonde haircut, colored glasses, and jewelry.

“Thao, Tanya,” said Dante, greeting them with a simple nod, “A.”

Surprised, Eden glanced toward the only one who hadn’t spoken yet. His name was simply A.? The Arabian Hare was younger than she had imagined but as mysterious as she’d heard. He had a very square face, a long nose, very short hair, and wore a long gray jacket with a black shawl and leather gloves. He looked strangely singular, with his apathetic expression and wide eyes. Unlike the two women, he seemed like a nobody, yet he had that strange aura about him... He barely nodded when Dante acknowledged him. Had he been dragged there or something?

“I wondered if you’d come at all,” said Thao, waving around her long black nails. “Since you never bother to answer messages...”

“I’m a busy man.”

“We all are.”

The hostilities had started already on a very hot-and-cold tune. Standing next to Dante, Eden could feel herself being dissected too. Standing around each Zodiac was a group of four to ten people, all immobile but ready for action. On their side, only four men had followed them inside. There was probably some silent agreement between the Zodiacs about not bringing a full army in...

“So you noticed them too?” asked the Russian Watchdog.
