Page 13 of The SongBird's Love

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She heard another shot and the dog growling. That was definitely the female. Eden got as close as she could, staying close to the wall and being cautious. She could smell the cheap beer, but it was clear those three were drunk even without that. Only three men? She hesitated. She had nothing to cover her appearance if they saw her. Plus, it was her building. They could find her any time...

“That bastard is still alive!”

She shivered. What were they doing? She slid a bit closer to take a look.

The dog was cornered in the dead-end street, growling furiously. However, she wasn’t standing, but in a strange position, her front paws hidden, her back legs up, as if to play. However, there was obviously no play here. Because her fur was so light, a cream beige, Eden could see all the blood. Her anger rose in an instant. They had really injured her!

There was glass everywhere on the floor, and from the large foamy puddles, they had probably broken many bottles of beer on the asphalt. Eden clenched her fist a bit more. She just couldn’t sit still.

“Hey, leave it alone, cabrónes.”

The three men turned around. They were young, from what Eden could see of their eyes. However, with these kinds of guys, young meant stupid and reckless.

“Look at that little bitch showing up,” one of them chuckled. “Playing hero? Is this your dog?”

Eden stood still, not answering. She wasn’t moving, but her eyes were counting. They each had a gun. Two were referenced weapons, one was an older model. The last one was the most dangerous. No matter how fast she was, Eden knew she couldn’t outrun a bullet. She glanced behind them. The dog looked about to collapse. She wanted to go there, but she wouldn’t be able to without walking between those three idiots.

“Isn’t she rather pretty,” said one of them. “You got a name, lovely? Want to come with us?”

“My name is ‘fuck you’,” Eden retorted. “Go play elsewhere.”

“Feisty, feisty... Should I fill your head with lead, bitch?”

Eden tilted her head. She wasn’t really impressed. Those kinds of insults and threats were a weekly thing for someone living in this area. Especially a young woman. She was one of the very few who could walk alone in the streets.

Seeing that she didn’t respond to a gun pointed at her, the men frowned. They could tell when something was off, and a girl unafraid of a weapon surely seemed like it.

“Should I zap them?” a voice suddenly chuckled in her ear.

“I told you to stop zapping people,” she retorted.

Loir’s voice in her ear giggled. She frowned. Actually, she had told him to stop hacking into her SIN as well. Of course, he wouldn’t listen. Suddenly, one of the men who carried one of the modern guns twitched uncontrollably. One of the others asked him what was wrong in Spanish, but the guy seemed lost. His arms twitched again as if they had just gotten an electric shock.

Eden ignored them and walked toward them, aiming for the dog. As she reached them, one of the guys reacted.

“Hey, bitch! Where do you think you’re–”

Eden had learned one thing about street fights: whoever attacks first has the greater chance of surviving. She flipped her body at the last second and sent a high kick into his face, her favorite move. The guy flew toward the other side, his face smashing the brick wall with a horrible sound. His two friends reacted immediately, lifting their guns and swearing in Spanish again.

She was ready, though. She jumped to the side, grabbed the other gun by its barrel, and pushed it out of her way. The shot fired and hit somewhere on the asphalt behind her. At this point, the other guy had his gun aimed right at her, half an inch away from her face. Eden turned her hazel eyes toward him, just in time to hear him chuckle.

“Die, b–”

Before he finished his sentence, his eyes rolled over, and he fell down on his knees unconscious. Eden grimaced, even if she was a little grateful. She really hated when Loir did that... The only guy remaining, whose weapon she had pushed aside, went livid.

“You’re a hacker...” he gasped.

He wasn’t wrong, but he wasn’t right either. He probably didn’t know how it worked, and hence he had no way to know Eden had a partner, but she wasn’t going to explain. She took his weapon forcefully and turned it against him.

“S-sorry,” he said. “I... I’ll go...”

“Yeah. As if you bastards let anyone go.”

Eden shot.

She had aimed for his stomach, and the guy fell to the side, pure shock on his face. He probably didn’t expect she’d shoot for real. She wasn’t going to let anyone who had seen her face and her skills live.

