Page 130 of The SongBird's Love

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“Sure... You two go and wait in the car.”

If they were surprised by his order, neither of them dared to ask or refuse. They walked silently past the Italian, his men opening the door for them, leaving the pair alone.

With only the two of them left in the room, Eden crossed her arms, upset.

“Can you stop making decisions so rashly for once? You’re not going to take the Dragon’s territory overnight, and Jack doesn’t need false hope like that.”

“Tonight I’m raiding the Snake’s territory,” he said. “The Dragon is next.”


“My decision is made, Eden, and I’ll do it with or without you, although I’d rather it be with you. I’m not letting you go either way, and I’m keeping your friends in my protection to make sure you’re not tempted to run away again.”

“So you didn’t have enough hostages before?” she grumbled.

“Your pets don’t really count.”

“I’m talking about Loir!”

“Me too.”

Eden rolled her eyes. It was truly impossible to negotiate with that man; he was just living in a different world from her.

“...Alright, fine,” she said. “I’ll help you. But you have to promise nothing will happen to Jack, Loir, and Rose.”

Dante simply nodded, as a little cloud of smoke escaped his lips. Eden let out a long sigh. She was tired of fighting with him about every single crazy decision of his... At least she had secured Jack and Rose’s safety, for now. She looked around, but there was nothing here she needed to take. All her outfits downstairs were Jack’s anyway.

“Let’s just go,” she grumbled, walking back to the entrance.

“Can I get a kiss first?”

“Fuck you,” she retorted, walking past him.

“Are you sure? I’m sure Rose would say yes...”

“Kiss her and I’ll really kill you.”

She heard him chuckle behind her. That jerk...


A headache was added to Eden’s bad mood on the ride back. Perhaps it was actually a consequence of everything piling up from earlier, but she felt like her head was about to explode. She remained silent, staring out the window, and ignoring Dante the whole time they were in the car. Once again, they were alone with Rolf; Rose and Jack were in one of the other cars. The Italian cars crossed the Dragon’s and the Eagle’s territories without another incident, which amazed Eden. Either everything was too quiet, or there was something going on elsewhere. Regardless, she was relieved when they finally got back to the more familiar streets of Little Italy. Strange how the once-hated area had now become the safest one for her...

Still, Eden relaxed once she could get out of the stuffy, closed space she had been trapped in with Dante. She didn’t like their argument earlier, and she didn’t like being backed into a corner because of his reckless decision. Eden felt like she was walking on a fine line, like the edge of a cliff that would soon make her plunge to her death... It was as if that man had no fear at all. For a survivor like her who had been constantly aware of her weaknesses to survive, she couldn’t understand Dante’s unwavering calm and assurance...

Once the cars finally stopped in front of his building, Eden was the first to step out. She let out a long sigh and glanced above at the sky. It was turning dark gray, not a good sign. She could tell it was probably going to rain, perhaps a storm too. The wind was picking up.

“Wha...” said Jack, looking up at the building. “I can’t believe places like this are inhabited by actual people!”

Eden felt a bit embarrassed, as she knew how small Jack’s studio was; it was even tinier than her place. She didn’t say a word and followed Dante and his men inside. Only Rose looked unfazed, as she was probably used to such places from her most prominent customers.

“What now?” she asked, glancing around as if she was going to put up an offer for the place, or live there permanently.

“Now, we get ready for tonight,” replied Dante with a chuckle.

Eden glared his way, but she wouldn’t have been able to tell what angered her the most: his crazy idea to attack the Snake as a competition with Thao, or the smile he exchanged with an interested Rose. She walked ahead, ignoring him.

George came out of the elevator, almost running into them, and went white as soon as his eyes met Dante’s.
