Page 154 of The SongBird's Love

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Before Eden could listen to the rest of Loir’s sentence, she heard someone loudly knock at the door.

“Miss?” the man said in Japanese. “I’m not supposed to let anyone out of the room for too long! Or, uh... in there!”

“Sorry, bad stomach!” she replied. “Just a couple more minutes, please!”

“O-okay, but... hurry up!”

Eden frowned, intrigued. That guy was a lousy guard, or perhaps shy around women.

“I’ll go upstairs now,” she muttered, taking several deep breaths. “Loir, get ready for when I plug that thing in.”

“Always ready for the Kitty!”

“Anything else about the dragon we have to know?”

“I literally just walked in and had fifteen minutes inside that room, tops. I only saw about thirty Yakuza, probably small fry. Jack and Rose are with them. Two guards at the entrance, but I’m sure there’s a lot more, on top of the security tech.”

“Got it.”

Eden raised her head, noticing how she had ruined her makeup. It looked like she had cried, or been through a rough time... It gave her an idea. She took a deep breath and, holding her stomach, she walked slowly to the door.

When she opened it, she noticed the guard, who had gone back to the other side, but his eyes went right to her, and he frowned. The young blonde woman was grimacing and holding her stomach with a poor expression.

“I’m sorry,” she muttered. “I really feel sick... I think it’s something that I ate, I... My stomach feels funny, and I threw up too... Do you think it’s the raw fish?”

“I told you the Anisaki worm is dangerous!” Loir shrieked in her ear.

“She’s faking,” sighed Dante.

“Oh... Oh, our Kitty is a good actress, you know? Did you know once, she tried to make me think Santa isn’t real?”

“No kidding...”

Eden tried hard to ignore those two and focus on her acting instead. The pearls of water on her forehead could easily pass for sweat, and thanks to the messed-up makeup, she probably did look bad. The guy grimaced and walked over, looking concerned.

“I’m sorry, miss, are you really sick?”

Eden nodded, and took a step back, leaning her body against the wall with a frown, opposite the bathroom door. The guy sighed and approached again, putting a hand on her shoulder.

“Okay, but I can’t leave you here. I’ll just get you back inside and ask Ayame-san to–”

Eden moved before he could end his sentence. She threw her left leg in the air with impressive speed, hitting the poor man right between his legs, and hard. His cheeks inflated like a balloon and he let out a faint sound, the pain showing on his face that had gone completely white. Eden didn’t wait until he could breathe again; she stepped aside and rotated her lower body, using her other leg to hit the man’s flank with enough strength that it sent him flying into the bathroom. His head hit the wall opposite, and he fell right there, unconscious. Eden stepped back and quickly closed the door.

She knew that it was going to be a matter of minutes before someone realized something was wrong; even if no one had caught the action on surveillance camera, they would notice the missing guard, or he could even wake up sooner than she hoped.

Eden began running across the halls, trying to stay far from the rooms, and find stairs to the upper floors; she was grateful for the mats that covered the sounds of her heavy legs, but each time she had to step on the wooden floors, it was a nightmare of squeaking and banging. She hoped she could make it to the room she was looking for... She finally found some stairs, and ran up, hoping not to find anyone yet. ...Why was no one coming, actually? This felt a bit too easy. She had only seen closed doors when the rooms weren’t empty, and no one had come for her yet. Perhaps she was lucky, but her instincts were telling her otherwise. Something was going on...

“Loir, did you do something?”

“...How do you know?”

“What did you do?” she asked, surprised.

“I swear, I just opened the can to try, I haven’t even tasted it yet!”

Eden rolled her eyes. So it wasn’t Loir after all... She didn’t even want to ask what disgusting thing he had been about to try, or where the hell he had gotten his hands on some cans. The only ones she had seen so far were the cans of dog food Rolf had gotten for the pups...

“There’s something weird going on,” she muttered as she reached another level. “How come I haven’t seen anyone else yet? No other Yakuza guarding the rooms, and a lot of other rooms are closed too...”
