Page 226 of The SongBird's Love

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Loir suddenly erupted in creepy high-pitched laughter, making him jump in fright.

“...Theoretically, no,” sighed Eden. “Most corrupted SINs have a basic line of defense to prevent explosions or something. But, once I get in and add the corrupted SINs to the System so they let us through, they might... try something similar.”

“...Similar like what?”

“Deep-fried brains!” exclaimed Loir, a bit too enthusiastically.

Circé and Eden exchanged a grimace while George’s expression fell.

“Zombie, zombie~”

“It won’t get that far,” said Eden. “We have to do everything we can to succeed.”

Still, she felt a cold chill go down her back. Everything was going to change that day. Either they succeed and change their city for the better, perhaps even freeing everyone from the corrupt System of the Cores, or they fail and the consequences would be unfathomable... The first one would be their death, for sure. Perhaps some would be captured and tortured. She didn’t even want to think about it. The Core would never forgive what they were about to do, but they had no choice. It was to preserve life in the Suburbs as they knew it.

“The Zodiac will do what it has to do,” said Dante, stepping forward. “It is our way. No one backs down, and no one stops fighting until we’ve won.”

His voice seemed to impact his men considerably, many of them raising their heads, determined looks in their eyes and their chests inflated. Eden suddenly realized she had barely interacted with any of them. She had only knocked out a handful on her first day here... She had only ever seen them as Dante’s silent army, but now, his lieutenants had never looked more human. In each of their gazes, she could guess a personal history that had led them here. Through blood and tragedy, each of them had become a fighter, ready to put their life on the line for the Tiger’s will.

She took a deep breath. The Zodiac was mostly seen as dangerous gangsters, heartless mafiosos, but right now, dozens of them were about to go to war and risk their lives for hundreds of others. Regardless of their reasons, this proved they had more heart than most people in the Core. She felt a bit more confident in this mission all of a sudden. She was a part of this too. The Edge was like the eleventh Zodiac.

“We strike, and Eden gets in. As soon as we can, we all get in behind her, and we escort her to the tower. She has to get to the top floors, or we are all as good as dead.”

All the lieutenants nodded and Loir sighed.

“Kitty Boss, you suck at pep talks. Oh, well. You can’t take the stripes off the Kitty.”

“...Let’s go,” said Eden.

They turned around, all the lieutenants leaving the room first. Eden exchanged a look with Jack from across the room, but she didn’t have time for goodbyes. He’d be staying here, anyway.

“Bring me a souvenir, my Kitty!” exclaimed Loir, waving his hand happily.

Right after that, Dante guided her outside of the room.

It was a strange ride, completely silent, holding each other’s hand. Eden stared at the tall building for as long as she could see it, wondering if she’d sleep there again that evening. The streets of Chicago were strangely solemn and beautiful in the dawn light. The Italians’ cars drove past deserted streets until they stopped in front of dozens of scooters and bikes, and even a tank parked in the middle of the street. Everyone was heavily armed with different models, their oxygen or gas masks on, making a strange assortment of people ready for an apocalypse.

“Good morning,” smiled Thao, standing on the tank, excited. “Are we ready for a war?”

They could already hear the explosions and gunshots from afar. They weren’t too far from the northern front. If she looked to her right, Eden could also see the large clouds of smoke in the south as well. Four of the Zodiacs were already fighting against the Core, and they wouldn’t stop. They’d keep fighting and taking those walls and bridges down until she let them inside. Determined, her heart beating fast, she turned to Thao and nodded.

“Let’s go.”

“Yahoo!” exclaimed the Rat, shouting at her men. “Let’s get going, boys! Turn this big boy around, we’re going to wake this fucking Core with a bang!”

Eden was about to step away when Dante grabbed her wrist and lifted his mask to put a quick kiss on her lips.

“...Stay alive.”

“You too,” she muttered.

She put another kiss on his lips, and they put their masks on before walking together, getting to the point of attack. They were incredibly close to the border. Soon enough, the walls of the Core appeared in front of them. Large, tall, and wide walls of concrete, covered in tags, with heavy barricades in front of the entrance they were targeting, the Bryne West Door.

“Pan,” she called out, sure he’d respond.

“...Good morning, Eden. See you soon.”

