Page 239 of The SongBird's Love

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Eden stopped and sighed.

“Oh, for the love of... Dante, I’m sorry.”

“Don’t worry about it. He’s right, it’s your money and assets now too... former Miss Newman?”

“Sorry to intrude on your chat, but I’m curious about that too,” said Circé, sounding out of breath. “...Wasn’t that… Pan’s last name as well?”

“Eden, why didn’t you tell us? What’s your relationship to Pan?”

Eden sighed and sat at the bar, grabbing one of the screens used to take orders and quickly started typing to invite her guests and hacker partners.

“I wish I knew as well...”

“That can’t be a coincidence,” muttered Circé.

“My thoughts exactly,” said Nebty, “or perhaps they simply put that name on Eden’s SIN to make it easier? It might not be your real last name then. Or even Prometheus’. His whole name sounds more like a hacker’s codename, anyway.”

“Hey, hey,” protested Loir. “You ladies get out of my Kitty’s feed! I’m trying to work here!”

“We’re just chatting, focus on your work, Warlock!” Circé shouted back. “I have time to shoot down murder bots while you’re comfortably seated at the headquarters!”

“You should focus on doing an update, C.,” he chuckled.

“What? An update of what?”

“An update of your brain, you old witchy!” he shouted.

Eden grimaced. With that, Circé began to scream and shout countless slurs at him. She had just as much flourish in her language as he did, and from the awful noise they could hear in the background, she was probably also taking out her anger on whatever she could around her.

Meanwhile, Eden was still busy making her way into the System’s network. Luckily, the guest invitation program was exactly the kind of breach they had been looking for. If she could use this to have Nekhbet and Crash join her, those two would be able to help her corrupt this place even more from the inside. Then all of the Edge would be able to help them lift the invisible barrier outside, tricking the Core to let in all people regardless of their SIN’s status. She had to be quick, though. She had been lucky to be getting through so effortlessly thanks to her Ghost SIN, but no one could tell how long it would take for the Core’s Artificial Intelligence to pick up the anomalies of her SIN. And there probably were some. Eden kept glancing left and right secretly, hoping no one would question her. Most people walking around were most likely real-life people’s avatars and didn’t pay much attention to a young woman alone at the bar...

“Aren’t you going to order anything?”

She jumped and turned around. She grimaced at the large figure with a bird’s face, but it was definitely on a very sexy woman’s body with Egyptian attire. Eden let out a long sigh.

“Nekhbet, don’t fucking scare me like that... Nice to see you, though. I didn’t think you were a woman...”

“Who said I am?”

“You’re not a dude?!” exclaimed a voice coming from Eden’s left.

With the appearance of a twentieth-century game character, Crash sat next to her at the bar, ordering a drink in just a couple of touches.

“I never said I was a man either,” said Nekhbet, crossing their arms. “I don’t identify as either of those, but feel free to call me whatever you’d like.”

“...I see a lady,” shrugged Crash, “but with your voice... Ugh, whatever.”

“Got it,” nodded Eden. “We don’t have time to chat though, we gotta move.”

Just as she said that, she noticed two people dressed in black, at one end of the room, pointing fingers in their direction. Crash grimaced.

“I think we might have lit up their Systems like a Christmas tree,” he said. “Let’s get moving and partying and crashing!”

“What do you need me to do?” frowned Eden.

“Distract them,” said Nekhbet. “You and Crash should keep them busy while I wipe down their security with our Back Hackers. You two Divers need to buy us time before we get kicked out of here.”

“Can’t they kick us out already?”
