Page 253 of The SongBird's Love

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Eden was shocked. Loir and the Governor knew each other? Not only that, but they seemed to know each other well, although it was not on the best terms. She glanced toward Circé, but the witch had a complex expression on, glaring at the speakers above.


On the other side, Dante pulled her hand, and she immediately understood. With the current confusion, it was a golden opportunity to go upstairs. Eden followed after him, and they quickly made their way to the stairs, followed by Dante’s men. Despite the strange situation, they couldn’t lose their objective. They swiftly progressed, but she couldn’t help but listen to the ongoing conversation coming through the speakers.

“I had the faintest hope you had died in whichever hole you found yourself.”

“Nope. I ate pizza and I got to have plenty of fun!” chuckled Loir. “I missed you, though. I’m sad I didn’t get to pay you back for the last time.”

“It’s annoying to hear. You should have surrendered yourself, Warlock. You caused us a lot of trouble.”

“Oh, the pleasure is all mine, old fart. Damn, how old are you now? A hundred and sixty or something? You should be dead, buried, and all eaten up by cute little worms by now.”

“Not a chance. People like me live long lives and die young. You, however, need to come and get that death penalty you escaped.”

“No thanks. I’ll pass. But I can send you another Overcraft if you want! Come on, Gogo, which floor are you on? I’m sure I can hit you right where it hurts next time...”

“I strongly advise you to stop. I have your little friends in the building too. It would be regrettable if something happens to them, wouldn’t it? After all, you already lost all your friends once, did you not?”

Eden froze, glancing at Circé. This time, she didn’t look mad at Loir. They were clearly talking about the Edge. Loir and Circé’s time in the Edge.

“Ah...” sighed Loir. “You really know how to annoy people. It’s hard to believe nobody killed you in your sleep yet!”

The more she listened, the more Eden had a hard time recognizing Loir. It was his voice, but it was as if he had a whole different personality, far from the usually insane Loir. More... angry and desperate. Like something had suddenly switched in him. On the other end, the Governor chuckled.

“Oh, Warlock... The rebel, the survivor. It’s sad you and your little group of friends convinced yourselves you could really accomplish this madness. I don’t really have the patience for terrorists. I was thinking of being understanding toward Eden, but you? I have no patience left for you.”

“Come and get me, old rat,” chuckled Loir. “My Kitty will take care of you. Unless I find you first...”

“Nebty, what are they doing?” asked Circé.

“Warlock just hacked another Overcraft.”

“Loir, stop it! You’re going to kill us all!”

“They will get your location,” said Malieka. “Those kinds of hacks are too brutal and ri–”

“Ah... There you are. The Emerald Tower. Oh, you set yourself up quite nicely, didn’t you?” chuckled the Governor’s voice. “I thought you’d be in a bunker, or perhaps in some sewer. Too bad. Your arrogance is going to kill you.”

“Like I said,” said Loir, a rictus in his voice. “Come and get me...”

“De Luca,” said Nebty. “I hate to give you bad news, but they just launched a missile from one of the Overcrafts. And it’s headed right to your territory. Less than one minute away.”

“Loir, get out of there!” shouted Eden.

“No can do, Kitty.”


“Sorry, my Kitty, there’s this little thing I’ve postponed for a long while. I’ll help you while I can, but I think you’re going to have to pick another Back Hacker.”

“...You can’t be serious,” muttered Circé, going white. “...Warlock, it’s not worth it, get out!”

“Sorry, Witchy, you know I can’t. It’s alright. I’ll get to be with her.”

Eden and Circé exchanged another look, more and more alarmed.

“...Non~” he sang. “Rien de rien... Je ne regrette rien...”
