Page 31 of The SongBird's Love

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“You damn bastard...” she hissed.

He smiled back, a snarky smile that made Eden hate that man even more. She wished she could slap that smirk off of him, or insult him. However, she didn’t have time for that. Those three men had guns and indeed, they opened fire right away without waiting. Eden was right in their line of fire. The sounds of their machine guns were deafening. A light above them exploded, sending sparks all over and lighting one of the old sofas on fire.

“Jack!” Eden yelled.

The bar lights were suddenly turned off, putting the whole room in the dark except for the light coming from the street through the large door frame behind Kris Yang and that fire. It sent silhouettes dancing against the wall, confusing their enemy. Eden had no way of knowing where Yang and his men would shoot, but they didn’t stop. They were shooting blindly anyway. Yang hadn’t even stopped to check where De Luca was. He had just opened fire right away and kept going.

That mistake of his gave Eden a narrow window for action.

She slid off De Luca’s lap and dove to grab the table where their drinks were. In one large movement, Eden raised the heavy marble table like a shield behind them. Immediately, she heard a pair of bullets hitting it, carving dents into the thick table. She grimaced but kept stepping back. De Luca hadn’t moved yet, shielded by her, but she didn’t care. She could hear the girls as they began screaming from all around the bar. She soon realized it was even scarier when they suddenly stopped.

A couple of seconds later, she heard Jack’s gun begin to shoot. It was a loud weapon that would only send one big blow at a time, but it was enough to send the attackers in disarray. Eden used those few seconds her friend gave her to glance behind the table, trying hard to think of a solution, a way to get out of this mess.

“SIN, call Loir!”

“Hi, Kitty, what’s up? How is the... Are those gunshots? Woo-hoo! Party time!”

Eden didn’t have time to answer his nonsense, but she knew Loir would be quick to react once he found out about her situation anyway. Indeed, a couple of seconds later, one of the weapons of Yang’s men suddenly stopped and made a terrible sound. The automatic gun sounded like it was sizzling and about to explode. The man holding it screamed and let it go, the gun overheating in his hand. Eden felt that much-needed little spark of hope. She now had back-up. However, Eden was still in danger as long as she stood between Yang and De Luca. She groaned and threw the heavy table in Yang’s direction, making him yell.

She didn’t even wait to see if he had been hit or not. Eden dove to the left, hitting her back against the bar counter as she hid behind it. She could hear Jack’s weapon shooting from time to time, but it took too long to recharge. The uninterrupted flow of shots coming from Yang’s side was bad, and moreover, those of De Luca’s men who were still alive had begun shooting too. The whole bar had turned into a war scene where everyone was shooting blindly.

“Eden! Do something!” yelled Rose’s voice.

She grimaced and began by ripping the lower part of her dress, getting rid of all the fabric below her hips. She took a deep breath and jumped behind another table, closer to the entrance.

“Loir, full lights in two seconds.”

“Yes, ma’am!”

Eden closed her eyes, and behind her closed eyelids, she saw the sudden difference in lighting. Many of the men yelled, suddenly blinded, but Eden was ready. She jumped, and the next second, she sent her leg flying, kicking Yang’s weapon out of his hand.

“That damn Part bitch!” he yelled.

She didn’t let him add another word and smashed her elbow into his face. The bones of his nose broke loudly, and he groaned in pain, blood splattering the man behind him. Eden knew the threat wasn’t over. He wouldn’t have come alone. She heard another gunshot and felt a slight push against her left leg, but no pain. Without hesitation, she spun her body, kicking the other man behind him in the stomach. If she hadn’t been equipped with metallic legs, her kick would have bounced back against that enormous belly, but instead, the man’s expression tore into a weird grimace. He retreated, looking like he was about to vomit.

Eden heard another shot, this time coming from behind her. She saw the other Chinese man whine, hit right on his shoulder.

“Loir!” she hissed.

“Hey, not everyone has a new generation gun...”

She glanced over her shoulder, and indeed, De Luca was standing there holding his old revolver at arm’s length, shooting without hesitation. It was one of those old weapons Loir had no way to hack. Eden had never even seen that kind, but the mafia lord was holding it confidently. Even worse, he even had his other hand in his pocket! Eden only had time to glare, but for a second, she wished she had a weapon herself to get rid of all those crazy bastards...

“You damn bitch!”

Eden felt the sudden pain, real this time, and stepped back in shock, looking down at her wound.

The bullet had pierced her abdomen, staining her red dress with something redder that was spreading fast. She grumbled something, fighting against the pain. She knew she just couldn’t stop fighting. No matter the pain, if she stopped, she’d die. Suffering was hard, but it meant she was still alive and conscious. It wasn’t worse than dying.

She jumped back, and before Yang got another chance to shoot her, more gunshots came from behind Eden. She would be killed by De Luca’s men instead if she didn’t get out of there! This time, she ran to the right and hid behind one of the pillars. Things were spiraling into chaos. More Chinese men barged inside the bar to protect Yang with his broken and bleeding nose, and inside, the Italians began yelling and running toward the entrance.

Eden couldn’t have cared less for those fights if it wasn’t happening at her workplace. She just wished they’d finish soon. Why had she even attacked Yang? She had gone crazy, obviously. Her first instinct had been to get rid of the main threat without thinking there were two dozen more behind her, including one crazy bastard Tiger...

“Kitty, how are you doing? Having fun?”

Eden rolled her eyes and held her hand against her injury with a grimace. The gunshots weren’t stopping. The bar was unrecognizable. Most of the furniture ripped by bullets, smoke everywhere, and bottles of alcohol exploding one after the other. There was glass flying from all sides, so much that Eden was scared she’d have another bottle explode too close to her. She glanced to the left, but Jack had disappeared behind the bar and was nowhere to be seen. Eden just wished her friend had found a place to hide and was fine. Still doing her best to remain behind that column and out of harm’s way, she glanced around, trying to look for her colleagues. The first one she found was June, her body in a strange position on a couch. The flow of blood coming from her neck was a hint she had died quickly... Eden’s heart sank a little lower when she saw a female leg coming from under one of the sofas, a blue shoe that belonged to Bella. That was all she could see. Too many men were standing, running, trying to dodge the fire left and right for her to see anything else.

At the entrance of the bar, behind her, all the mafiosos were fighting, but it would be over soon. It wasn’t as if they were using their fists or knives. Most of them had guns. Things were usually over quickly when bullets were involved... Eden only had to hold on for a little while longer, but she was out of breath, in pain, and fed up. Even if she survived this, she would be in a hell of a lot of trouble for attacking Yang. She didn’t really regret it because she hated the bastard anyway, but she didn’t want to be killed. Now, she wouldn’t even be able to work in the Chinese territory again...
