Page 75 of The SongBird's Love

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He called out her name twice but she didn’t seem to wake up. Dante sighed and put his hand on the mattress to stand over her, grabbing her shoulder.

“Eden, wake up.”

“No... Adam... don’t...”

As he rolled her toward him, he realized she was crying for real. Her lips were twitching and her forehead was sweating. Something was really wrong.


She finally opened her eyes, still in a confused daze.


“No. Wake up, now.”

Eden opened her eyes a bit more. Her crying calmed down, although tears were still rolling down to her temples. Suddenly, she grimaced and curled her body to the side.

“No, no, no, not now...” he heard her wailing.

He frowned and looked down. Her hands were tensed on the sheets covering her legs, and her lower body kept wriggling. He immediately understood.

“Phantom pain?”

She nodded, although her eyes were closed and she was biting on the pillow. The pups, now awake, began barking, worried, but Dante quickly pushed them out of the way.

“How do you usually treat it?”

“I... have... pills...” she groaned.

Dante didn’t like that answer at all. No way he was going to let her become a damn junkie. He grabbed her arms, forcing her to sit up and face him with her back against the bed’s headboard.

“Eden, look at me.”

“No... No, I... need my...”

“I’m not giving you any narcotics, so look at me. Now.”

She opened her eyes to glare at him but that was enough. Dante pulled the sheets and put his hands on each leg, suddenly massaging them while holding her gaze.

“Eden, look. You’re fine.”

“I’m not... fine!” she groaned.

He could see the pain in her grimace but he was set on not giving her any drugs. Instead, he reached out for a gun under his pillow. Eden’s eyes reacted to the weapon and for a second he had her full attention. A glimpse of fear crossed her eyes. He suddenly pointed at her legs.


He shot twice, right where her knees should have been. Her breathing accelerated and she gasped but the holes in the mattress were right in front of her. Eden stared at the feathers flying, out of breath.


She glared at him but he put the gun down. His hands went back to her legs and started massaging them again.

“Look at me.”

She obeyed only out of reflex and Dante suddenly kissed her.
