Page 81 of The SongBird's Love

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Loir smiled, showing all his multi-colored teeth, and turned to the cameras, waving.

“My sweeties! Can I get some pizza? I want Calzone to bring it, he’s my cutie pie!”

Eden grimaced. It was going to be a miracle if he survived until the end of the week without one of them pulling a gun on him with that kind of attitude... She grabbed the arm of his chair and pulled him back toward her to get his attention.

“Loir, focus,” she sighed. “The Core. Did you find or see anything unusual?”

He tilted his head.

“Unusual, like some drones popping up all over the place?”

“Drones?” she repeated, surprised.


He turned to his keyboard, finally serious. He typed for a little while and a map of their area appeared, with little red spots appearing at random blocks in between buildings. One was bigger than the others and Eden guessed this was where she and Dante had seen the black Overcraft the previous night. She hadn’t seen any drones, though…

Loir extended one of his black-painted nails, showing the little dots.

“All those are cute little drones that appeared throughout the night...”

“Appeared? You mean they came and left?”

“Nope, Kitty. They came, but they didn’t leave...”

“Wait, what? Those things are still there?”

Eden frowned. Why would the drones stay in the same spots? They were bound to be destroyed by the locals; it was nothing but a waste of money for the Core!

“Anything else you found?”

“Those are new little toys!” exclaimed Loir, a playful smile on his lips. “I actually want one to play with, but it would be a bit dangerous to get it from... the physical world.”

Eden knew exactly where he was going with that. She crossed her arms.

“You think we can deactivate it from the inside?”

“Of course! The Core wouldn’t send their little toys on their own, would they? Now, if a cute little kitty could go in and switch off the right buttons, then our cute little Calzone and Margherita could go to retrieve it...”

“You’re not fooling anyone, Loir, this isn’t an easy Dive. Those things are a part of the Core’s System. It means I need to get into the Core’s System, not just close to it but literally inside, and find my way to those drones to disconnect them!”

Loir smiled and took out one of the cables with a naughty smile.

“I just want one to play with, Kitty, I promise. Moreover, aren’t you curious to know what our naughty friends from the Core are doing in the area? We gotta play with them a bit, don’t we?”

Eden hesitated. Surely, Diving now would be the perfect opportunity to get a ton of information, but she hated going into the Core’s System. The Core was constantly chasing her, trying to trap her. These weren’t exactly the perfect conditions...

“Don’t worry,” he said, showing an even creepier smile, “I got it aaaaall ready so we don’t have to use the big stuff!”

Eden sighed. So he did have another profile ready to hide that she was Ghost... Still, from the way he smiled, she wasn’t too eager to know what he had prepared for her.

“It better not be some dumb crap, Loir?”

“Me, doing crap? Kitty, I’m a virtuoso; I only do art!”

Eden rolled her eyes. She’d better be prepared for the craziest Dive ever.

