Page 115 of Kevlar To My Vest

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Trance shifted beside me, moving me so I was over his chest. Right where his tattoo lay.

The ‘home’ tattoo that he’d gotten four years ago now had two more rings added to it, and very soon there’d be a third. One for our daughter, Oakley Rose, and a second for our son, Ford Bryce.

As I fell asleep in his arms, I kissed his chest, and thanked the Lord that he was the one to rescue me the day my brother stranded me in the middle of nowhere.

Because without that one horrible instant in time, none of this would be possible.



“What’s your 10-20?” I asked into my phone as I watched the ‘Handcuffs’ team start to warm up.

Viddy laughed into the phone. “I’m almost there. Ford had a blowout and we had to find a change of clothes.”

I grimaced. At least he didn’t have it here. That would’ve been awkward.

“Okay, baby. We’re on field two. See you in a bit.” I said before hanging up.

Viddy was driving now.

Five years ago, she’d have never thought it possible. However, two weeks after Oakley was born, Viddy’s vision in her left eye became nearly one hundred percent and stayed. When she was tired or stressed, she’d have to slip on her glasses to relieve the strain, but overall, she had full vision out of her right eye, enabling her to get her license.

Although she still didn’t’ drive far, or much. She was deathly afraid to go over forty miles an hour, even though her vision hadn’t diminished in the four years since she’d gotten it back. She always had that feeling that things could go wrong again, which essentially controlled everything she did.

When she’d had Oakley, she’d made the decision to stay at home with her because she would’ve had to do the majority of picking up and dropping off since I worked constantly. Which was A-Okay with me. I liked the fact that she was home with our kids instead of them getting sick at daycare regularly.

Kettle and Loki rode up on their Harley’s moments after I hung up with Viddy, and I laughed at how ridiculous they both looked.

The Handcuffs shirt was lime green whereas the Halligans were neon pink.

The back of the fire departments shirt said, ‘I’m a BFD.’ The back of the PD’s shirt said, “Sometimes firefighters need heroes, too.”

The game had grown quite competitive since its creation the year Viddy and I got married, and ever since, it has been a huge crowd gatherer. We charged four dollars to watch the game, and all the proceeds went to a ‘wounded in the line of duty’fund that the PD and the fire department shared.

“Where are the chains to your balls?” I asked Kettle, wondering where Adeline and the kids were.

He grimaced. “They were decorating my truck before I left. Fucking shoe polish. That shit’s going to be a bitch to get off. Anyway, I told them I wasn’t riding in that, and she told me to find my own way. So I did.”

I suppressed the urge to double over in laughter. Kettle would be paying for that later. Most definitely.

I was about to ask Loki the same question when I saw my wife pull into the parking lot. Abandoning my fellow club members, I walked quickly and weaved through the cars to BF Egypt. She always parked in the very back of the lot, no matter what.

I found her struggling to get the stroller out of the back of the truck, so I gently pushed her aside and lifted it in one hand, folding it out with ease.

“Showoff.” She muttered as she rounded the truck to get Oakley unstrapped.

I did the same to Ford, placing him in the stroller once I was done. Then I strapped him in for good measure. The boy was an escape artist. A very good escape artist.

“Hi, daddy.” Oakley said in the cutest little voice I’d ever heard.

I smiled at my girl, pulling her into my arms and giving her a loud smacking kiss on the cheek, causing her to giggle.

“Did you take a nap for mommy?” I asked her.

She wrinkled her nose and shook her head, making her blonde ringlets swirl about her head. “Abso-fucking-lutely not.”

I squeezed my eyes shut and prayed that Viddy hadn’t heard that, but when I turned and saw the expression on her face, I knew I wasn’t that lucky. Even more so when Kettle and Loki started laughing like goddamned hyenas.
