Page 116 of Kevlar To My Vest

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“Eat shit,” I muttered as I passed them.

Then, of course, Oakley had to yell it over my shoulder at them.

“Don’t make me kick your ass!” She said in her badass pixie four-year-old voice.

My head hung. “You’re going to make mommy mad at me,” I told her.

She looked at me with calm, serious eyes. “No she won’t. I won’t let her.”

And for some reason. I believed her.

Coming Soon

Keys To My Cuffs

February 4, 2015

Chapter 1


1 year ago

“Will you please, please, please mow the lawn, Andrew? Please,” my next-door neighborpleaded.

She was begging her, I didn’t know what he was. They didn’t look anything alike, so I was inclined to think that they weren’t brother and sister. I had only heard him call her Channing. But they sure as hell didn’t act like lovers...or even husband and wife. Their relationship wasn’t a normal one. It was as if they only tolerated one another, which was why I leaned towards roommate, more than anything.

They worked opposite shifts.

She was a nurse or something at the hospital at nights; based on the black scrubs she left the house in every night. He worked in an office during the day, as a manager or something.

She worked outside a lot, making their home the best looking on the block, while all I ever saw him do was play video games from his chair in the living room.

She was always the one who bought the groceries. She was always the one who washed the car. She was also the one who mowed the lawn. She got the mail. The listwent on and on.

Except this day. She looked...rough. Like she hadn’t slept in days. Her red/brown hair was in a messy bun on the top of her head, tendrils falling out all around her face. She was wearing a pair of sweatpants that said,Destin, FL. on them, and a white tank top that showed off a slight pudge that was adorably cute on her.

She was on the heavier side than what I normally went for, but there was something about my little neighbor that made me want her. Hell, even right now she was hot.

I was on a creeper under my truck, changing out the oil. No, not a creeper as in a creepy person, but a flat board-like device on wheels that let me lay on my back and move around under the car.

Our houses were small, and our yards were even smaller. Which meant I was about fifteen feet away from her and I could hear every word.

Especially when Andrew (the douchebag) told her, “Fuck off, I had to work all day.”

“I know, Andrew, but I have someone coming to quote how much it’ll be to fix the foundation, and I can’t have them look atthe foundation if we don’t mow the lawn. Please, I feel really awful today,” she pleaded.

She did sound awful, that was for sure. Her voice was nasally, and she coughed every couple of seconds. My guesswas the flu.

“Sorry, sister dearest, but I really am tired. Reschedule the appointment,” he told her. “Maybe next week when you can mow the lawn yourself.”

So...he was her brother. Good to know. I’d been wondering about that for nearly five months of living next to them. I could’ve, of course, found out. But I was supposed to act like I didn’t know anything about anybody. Which would’ve been hard to do with her. She had this...magnetism that made me want to know every little detail.

With that he took his ‘tired’ self, inside. It was only minutes later that I saw him sit down on the chair I could see through the living room window. He slipped on a pair of headphones, took a sip of his beer, and started playing.

Lazy bastard.

Going back to my work to distract me on how irate it made me feel that he wouldn’t help his own sister out when she was sick, I was surprised to hear the sound of the lawn mower going.
