Page 74 of Kevlar To My Vest

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I looked to find Radar half in-half out of the bathroom staring at my bedroom, and most likely my sister.

“He’s guarding me while I pee.” I yelled as I washed my hands.

“That’s...” Adeline started to yell and lowered her voice when the baby started to scream. “Weird.”

I thought it was somewhat cool. It was nice to have him there with me. I didn’t feel so alone.

I’d even taken him to school with me, much to Sandra’s displeasure.

“He’s a good boy, aren’t you Radar?” I asked the dog.

He wagged his tail fitfully as I scratched him between the ears. He enjoyed the ear rubs as evidenced by the lolling tongue and the eyes that were nearly rolling back in his face.

“Okay, I’m ready whenever you are.” I told her.

She stood from her perch on my bed and handed me the diaper bag while she grabbed Saylor’s car seat.

“Sounds good. I have to get back before Kettle realizes I’m not where he left me.” Adeline teased.

“Why’d he have to work today, anyway? Isn’t he on maternity leave?” I asked as we walked to the door.

She shook her head. “He was. Or could still be if he wanted. But we figured we might need to be saving up his vacation time for when we have doctor appointments and stuff. So he went back to his scheduled shift.”

“Wow,” I said in surprise. “He was okay with leaving you by yourself when she is only three days old?”

She shrugged. “Not really, no. But Kettle’s mom is coming over later to help out, and I told him I was okay.”

“Are you?” I asked as I set the alarm and opened the front door, ushering her out with a sweep of my hand.

Radar was already trotting down the stairs as I closed the door, and stopped to sit on his haunches beside Adeline’s rear car door.

I locked my door, and followed Adeline down, opening the door for Radar before taking my seat in the front.

“Why do you have him, anyway?” Adeline asked as she dropped down in her seat and closed the door.

Putting on my seatbelt, I answered. “Radar is retiring, and Trance doesn’t want him to think he’s being replaced. So I’m going to let him hang with me, since technically, I’m still legally blind.”

“Well, that’s cool. And he can bite that Sandra bitch if you ask him to!” She crowed.

I double fist pumped in pretend excitement, which in turn caused the trucker next to us to pull his horn, effectually scaring the absolute shit out of me.

“Jesus Christ,” I jumped and looked over at the truck driver with a broad smile on his face.

I waved shyly as he passed.

Adeline had no problem laughing at my abject terror though. In fact, she pulled over to the side of the road. “Oh, God. I’m gonna pee myself.”

I glared at the heifer. “Drive or I’ll miss the first pitch.”

Adeline snorted. “Kickoff.” She corrected.

“Oh,” I said. Then added. “I haven’t the first clue what goes on in football. And I don’t know who I’m going to sit with. Nor if I’ll even see Trance.”

“Well, you have plenty of places to choose from. Although, Kettle likes to stand at the fence, so I can’t tell you where to sit or who to sit with. You might see Trance if you stand as well. As for how football is played, you’d have to ask someone who knows. I have no clue either.”

The rest of the drive was spent contemplating getting our toes and nails done, and whether we should try to get Kettle to babysit.

“What could it hurt? If she cries, you just rock her. You wouldn’t be doing anything different there than you would be at home.” I said in confusion.
