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“I know that allowing her to treat me like that isn’t worth it, but this is my future, Zara. The money I’m making here is enough to set me up for the next year of grad school.”

“I know that this is life-changing for you, but there’s no reason to let that woman treat you like that.”

“I don’t have to worry about my last year of university if I just stick it out for another month.”

Zara sighs and nods, taking another sip of her wine. She glances at the movie before looking back at me.

“So, what does Evan think about the way his mother treated you today?”

“Don’t know. I haven’t thought about telling him. I don’t think it’s worth it.”

Zara smirks. “So, the crush on the hot boss is finally over then?”

My cheeks heat up and her eyes widen. Zara starts bouncing on her seat as she sets her wine on the table. She starts squealing as I look away, reaching for my hand.

“You’re telling me that the crush on the hot boss is still going strong? You have to tell me all the details. I need to know everything about your love life right now.”

“I don’t have a love life,” I say, my cheeks flaming. “There’s nothing there. Just some physical attraction that will lead to nothing.”

“I very much doubt that. When you talk about him, you get this look in your eyes that tells me you want to fuck him. I’m impressed. Swiping your v-card has taken long enough.”

I roll my eyes. “If I wanted to sleep with someone, I would have by now. I don’t have time for other people in my life. My assortment of vibrators handles things just fine, thank you.”

Zara laughs and shakes her head, wiggling her eyebrows at me. “Yeah, but think about what an older man like him would know about the female body. I bet he’s got tons of experience.”

“I don’t even know why we’re talking about this. I don’t need to go out and get my v-card swiped. I have more important things to focus on right now. Having a partner in my life just makes things more complicated. I don’t need that.”

“Nobody says he has to be your boyfriend. All you have to do is fuck him.”

Someone clears their throat behind us, and I nearly jump out of my skin. I spin around to look at Evan, my face turning an even darker shade of red.

His cheeks are a slight shade of pink, but his gaze is hiding, setting something inside me on fire. He raises an eyebrow as he slips out of his leather jacket and tosses it over the back of a chair before taking a seat.

“So,” he says, crossing his arms. “What are we talking about?”

“Just about how Kendall is coming to the club with me this weekend to find a hot guy to lose her v-card to,” Zara says, grinning as she reaches for her glass of wine.

I sigh and run my hand through my hair, looking away from Evan. I can feel his stare burning into the side of my head. When I finally do glance at him, I shrug.

“That’s not happening,” I say. “I already told you, Zara, I don’t have time for some guy right now. I have a hundred other things that I need to worry about. None of those things include getting laid.”

“You shouldn’t just go out to sleep with some random guy anyway,” Evan says, shifting slightly in his seat.

His eyes are narrowed and a muscle in his jaw twitches. I scoff and cross my arms, turning fully to look at him. His tone sounds like jealousy is coloring it, but I’m not going to allow anyone, least of all him, to tell me what I should and shouldn’t do.

“I will sleep with whoever I want, random guy or not, thank you.”

Evan’s mouth twitches. “That’s a terrible idea. Losing your virginity to someone you don’t even know usually ends in regret.”

Zara chuckles and leans back in her seat, sipping her drink. She looks between us like it’s a tennis match, clearly enjoying the tension.

“Since when are you the keeper of my crotch?”

“I’m just saying.” Evan looks at me, his tone stern. “You don’t want to regret it.”

“You’re acting like my virginity is some big thing that matters to me. It doesn’t. I could have had sex with dozens of men by now if I wanted to, but I don’t want to. I have more important things to focus on.”

“And yet, we’re going out this weekend to find you a dick to ride,” Zara says, smirking as she stirs the pot even more.
