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“Wow.” His eyebrows shot up, and for a brief—verybrief moment, I thought he might actually be a little hurt by what I was implying. “I won’t fuck you over if you don’t fuck me over, Ally. Plain and simple as that.”

I met his gaze, the deep green hue mixed with chocolate brown a little jolting, my heart skipping a beat. There was no doubt in my mind that those eyes swayed a lot of women right out of their clothes...

But not me.

My brother’s best friend didnothave that power...nope. Not over me.

“I’m still going to write something up,” I stated, clearing my throat and looking away. “I just think it’s in my best interest. Also, I think it’s only fair that I write up a few rules as well.”

He folded his arms across his chest. “Like what? No bumping uglies, Ally? I don’t think you have to worry about that when it comes to me. Besides, I’ve already seen you naked—remember the Christmas party of fifteen? Yeah, I can’tunseethat.”

I rolled my eyes, pushing away the small pang of humiliation. “You didn’t seeallof me. You just didn’t knock before barging into the bathroom while I was taking a shower.”

“Um, becausemostpeople lock the door, Ally.”

“Right, but like you couldn’t hear the water running on the other side? The shower isopen. I don’t know how you didn’t hear it.”

“That rain showerhead is really quiet…” His voice dropped off for a moment before he shook his head. “Anyway, it’s fine to write up whatever rules you want, but wewillhave to have some PDA. It’ll be weird if we don’t touch each other at all.”

My stomach knotted up—Levi was more than known for his PDA-packed appearances. “Minimal PDA. I have class, Levi.”

“Yeah, okay. Whatever. Just write it up and I’ll mark out what I don’t agree with. We’ll go over it once we land on Friday.”


“Yep, get to packing,baby.” He shot me a wink and slipped out of my office, his laughter echoing down the hallway.

I let out a sigh, facepalming as I glanced at my computer screen, having lost my place in balancing Lisa’s accounts.

Damn it, Levi.

My phone buzzed on my desk, and I looked over to see a text from my best friend, Linley, lighting up my phone.

Got you lunch, can I stop by?

“Absolutely, you can,” I muttered, texting back a quick reply. I needed all the help I could get figuring out what rules to put in place between myself and Levi. Just as I hit the send button on the message, there was a knock on my cracked office door.

I looked up. “Oh, hi, Lisa,” I greeted Levi’s stunning mother, whose dark hair was fashioned in perfect waves, cascading past her shoulders.

She gave me a smile, adjusting her dark rim glasses and shutting the door behind herself. “So, Levi just swung by and told me he’s taking you to Rachel’s wedding?” Her puzzled expression told me everything.

He didn’t tell her about the arrangement. You sly dog, Levi.

I nodded. “Yeah, it’s last minute, but I can definitely work remotely and keep up with the books.”

She waved me off. “Nah, you don’t have to worry about working while you’re there. I just...I had no idea...”


“It’s just a friend thing,” I answered her, my voice coming out with less confidence that I hoped for.

“Are you surehesees it that way?” Her brows furrowed, lines of concern growing on her face. “He made it sound like he was pretty excited to get away with you.”

Is he seriously going to con his own mother?

“Oh, well…” I hesitated, having no way to work myself out it. “I’m just trying not to get too excited over it.”

That seemed to work, her face brightening. “I bet you’ll have a great time. I know it might be a little early, but I just always thought the two of you would be so cute together. You’re already basically family.”
