Page 10 of My Mafia Captor

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I know that this is not how you wanted things to go. I am so sorry you got dragged into everything. Please accept these roses as a sign of my hope that we will get to know each other and make things work for us as best we can. White roses are for hope and new beginnings whereas yellow roses are for friendship. I hope the combination pleases you.

I know I can be curt and demanding. It is in my nature as a businessman to be that way, and I am sorry if I came on too strong. I would love it if you would move in with me. I promise, I am not there often as I practically live at the office, so it would be like you were living by yourself a lot. This will give us enough space to get to know each other slowly.

Here is your key. I do not want this to pressure you. It is only to let you know that you are welcome to move in when you wish to. Of course, I would appreciate you moving in as soon as you are able, but when you are able is up to you, for whatever reason. I hope to see you soon, and I look forward to getting to know my wife.



I held the key in my hand. It must have taken a lot for him to do this, and it was very sweet of him. He was trying, I could give him that. Of course, that made me feel a little guilty. I wasn’t trying at all, unless trying to disappear counted.

I was acting like a child throwing a temper tantrum rather than a woman who had made a decision to do as her father asked. I knew I was being difficult, and I should be more mature about it. I had just assumed that Jimmy didn’t want to be married either, and he was going to let me just stay here. I would have been fine with that, but apparently, he wanted to try to have an actual marriage. Maybe he didn’t believe in divorce either.

I sat down at the kitchen table still holding the key. Did I move in with a complete stranger? Even if he worked all the time, it washisplace. He said he had room for me to be in my own space, but still. Wouldn’t it be weird to live in a house that wasn’t yours?

Technically, my father’s house wasn’t mine, but I had lived here my whole life, so it sure felt like mine.

I re-read the letter about five times before getting up and bringing the flowers and the note into my room, shutting the door behind me. I placed the flowers next to my bed and put the note beside it. Then, I went to find my car keys. I had a cute little Ford Escape that my father had cosigned for me when I turned eighteen. I put the new key on the key ring and watched it clink next to my car key and house key.

I quickly threw on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt and headed out the door.

I drove to my favorite sushi spot, and as soon as I pulled into the parking lot, I spotted my friends through the huge bay window sitting at our usual booth in the corner. They were smiling and having a good time, something I knew I needed. If I was going to be an adult and have a go at this thing I had gotten myself into, I was going to have to make this first step—tell my best friends what had happened.

When I walked through the front door, Logan saw me first because he was sitting in the seat that faced the door. He was handsome and tall with a huge goofy grin and shaggy brown hair. When we were younger, I had the biggest crush on him, but he was always with someone else, so we ended up just being best friends. Kiwi had said that he had always liked me, but I assumed she was just messing with me. But the smile that came over his face when he saw me walk in made me think that maybe she wasn’t kidding. He stood up and waved me over, letting me sit by the window as I liked. He didn’t ask if I wanted to sit there, he just knew.

I slid into the booth, and Donte and Kiwi cheered.

“Awesome! I know you are in a funk, girl, but you have to try to get out of it,” Kiwi said, her bright pink hair bouncing as she danced in her seat. “Life is way too short to be so miserable.”

“Yeah, umm… I’ve been dealing with something,” I told them, and Donte raised an eyebrow at me.

“What is so pressing that you almost missed sushi?” he asked.

“Right? We were just about to leave,” Logan chimed in. They were all looking at me, and I could feel my cheeks go beet red. I wanted to crawl under the table.

“Well… when I tell you, you guys can’t judge me. I need support and guidance in this, and I already feel horrible. Please don’t make it any worse.”

“We won’t,” Donte assured me while Kiwi grabbed my hands in hers, her bright green nail polish standing out brightly against the pale skin of my wrists.

“We won’t, we promise, hon. Just tell us what’s going on. We want to help,” she looked over at the boys to make sure they agreed and understood that it wasn’t a question. I loved her so much. I squeezed her hands and put my head down. I couldn’t look at her when I said it.|||

“I sort of… got married. A week ago,” I began. They stayed silent while I told them how my father sprang it on me and how it had something to do with a Mafia-related deal, and how me agreeing to marry Jimmy Morelli would keep us safe, whatever that meant. When I told them my husband’s name, Logan piped up, sounding shocked.

“Morelli? As in Morelli Corporation? As in Morelli Motors? As in Morelli United Airlines?”

“Umm… it’s the same name…” I shrugged, but Kiwi and Donte seemed to be catching on.

“Isn’t there a Morelli restaurant too? Only it’s not called Morelli’s, it’s like Marco’s or something,” Donte put in, snapping his fingers to help him remember the name.

“Marco is his father’s name, so at least that sounds right,” I told them.

Kiwi looked sad. “I’m sorry this happened to you. I wish I could have been there. It sounds like you got handed a really shitty deal.”

“So did he, I think. Jimmy. My husband,” I made a face. Saying “my husband” out loud just seemed wrong somehow. Both Donte and Kiwi made a face. I didn’t see if Logan did. I was having a hard time looking at him. Part of me didn’t want to know what he thought, and the other part of me wanted to see if he really did like me. Not that it mattered anymore. I was married, and it wasn’t to Logan.

“Well, it sounds like you might have married into a very wealthy family,” Donte suggested, looking on the brighter side of things. “When you divorce him, you’re bound to get at least half, unless you signed a prenup.”
